I Like You Too [EXO Baekhyun]

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Baekhyun smiled at himself in the mirror and winked. "Oh please Baekhyun, stop it already." You shut the locker door, closing the mirror.

"Why? I'm cute." He opened the mirror and adjusted his fringe. "And my cuteness has to be admired." He turned around and smirked. "Unless you'll do that for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." He continued fixing his hair. "You're mine, so you should love me and my cuteness." He smiled, making an aegyo expression. You frozed a little after hearing that, but quickly snapped back into your senses. "W-What are you talking about? Remember I have a crush on—"

"Chanyeol? Yeah, I remember that." He slammed the locker door shut and leaned onto it, his smile faded.

"Yes...so stop saying things like that. I-I'll feel uncomfortable." You diverted your eyes away from his intense stare. He tilted his head slightly and crossed his arms, still leaning against the locker. "Are you sure?"

"What—I...am I s-sure about what?" You stuttered. You and Baekhyun have been friends since diapers and you've secretly liked him for a long time. You refused to admit it in fear of ruining your friendship with him but although you denied it every time and even made up a fake crush to hide it, he seems to already know it.

"About liking Chanyeol." He took a huge step towards you. "Are you sure that you really like him?"

You gazed up into his eyes, the distance between you and him almost didn't exist. "I..yeah...I mean, who wouldn't like him? He's per-perfect..."

He nodded with an emotionless expression. "Ah, of course. Anyone would like him. He has the ideal height, a perfect body, sweet smile and manly voice. He has money too, he can buy you all the things you've ever wanted. And he's funny. He'll make you happy and—"

"Okay that's enough. I know what he has. Yes, he's perfect and I love him!" You blurted out without thinking.

"Oh. But can he give you what you really need?" He steps even closer to you and you took a step backwards. "Has he ever given you anything, or even noticed you? Can he give you the things I gave you?" He took another step towards you.

"Baek." You placed your hands on his chest, stopping him from coming closer. "Baekhyun stop."

He held your wrists and pulled your hands off him. You could see the bit of anger in his eyes, causing you to turn your head away to avoid eye contact. "You know I hate it when you try to lie to me." He put a hand on your cheek and turned your head back to facing him. "Don't lie to me, I can always tell when you're lying. Stop pretending to like Chanyeol, I know you don't. Why did you lie to me?"

"I-I...because..I like you, okay?! I didn't want to tell you that because this doesn't feel right. You're my childhood friend, Baekhyun. And liking you isn't right. I don't want to ruin our friendship, I just...just—"

He interrupted you with a sudden hug. "It's alright, babe." He whispered.

"I'm sorry, Baek...sorry for liking you. Please don't let my stupid feelings change anything between us." You tried to stop the tears from falling but it didn't work. He dried your eyes using his sleeve.

"I wished I told you this earlier but..." He bent forward a little to kiss your lips and hugged you tightly. You froze once again. He just kissed you... On. The. Lips. asdfghjkl argggh!!!

"I like you too."

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