Chapter Seventeen: Journey

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Louis P.O.V

I walk down the creeky porch, looking at the women and men walk by with me with strange looks.

Of course they would. Im not dressed from the 1800s.

I keep my head up, eyes down, and face emotionless. I didnt want trouble, and I surely didnt need it.

"S'cuse me, Sir?" I say and walk to man with a newspaper who seems to be fairly okay. "Do you know how to get to The Kings Dungeon?"

"Why would you wanna go there?" He says skeptically. Why would I? Cause some old lady said to. "Lad?"

"My friends there," I lie. "He needs someone to pick him up from there."

"Once youre there, you aint comin' out." He warns. I nod slowly.

"Well, then he's a lucky man if he is coming out!" I say and smile. He gives one more look before sighing and pointing down the road.

"Left at the willow, straight down the road, into and across the yellow jacket field, and make a right when you reach the lake full of scorpions."

"Thats it?"

"Keep walking the trail of poisonous air, then find the hole behind the Kings castle, which is where you'll be. Drop down the hole and youre in."

"Thank you," I whisper and walk. "Wonder who the King is..."

~At Yellow Jacket Field~

I walk through the small trail, bees flying in my face but I ignore them as I continue to walk as still as possible.

"For the boys, Louis, for the boys." I whisper and continue to walk through the field. This King must be rushless if he does this crazy, chaotic shit. I mean, its a dungeon. Who wants to steal from a dirty, basement like room where you hold people captive?


No fucking one.

I hated this. I didnt even know what I was looking for, or who I was looking for. Stupid, old... Hag. Telling me I have to search, find, and fix but doesnt tell me what I'm searching for. Fuck that!!

-At Lake of Scorpions-

I hear the tiny feet as they crawled on eachother. I keep my distance, afraid to fall in or even go close to the pit.

It wasnt even a fucking lake! There wasnt water, and there wasnt any animals. Just a damn pit of scorpions who seemed pretty pissed off with eachother.

I hope the King doesnt travel this way. If these insects arent pissed at eachother, the next person they may hate is royalty.

~Poisonous Air~

I held my breath, plugged my nose, as I ran through the trail. It felt like hours, HOURS, of running.

The gas was hitting my face, from God knows where, and my eyes were starting to sting from how many times I was sprayed. I was going light headed from holding my breath. Next thing I know, Im on my knees, eyes falling closed and faint bodies heading towards me.

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