Chapter 5

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“Hey Marcy! Wait up!”

              I stopped and turned around with a smile.

                   “What’s up Mikaela?”

                  “Do you want to come to the mall with me to help me choose your present?”she asked with a grin.”I don’t really know what you like.”

                 “Sure.That sounds great; let me just ask my maid when i get home.”

                 “Ok!Come on!We’re gonna be late for class”

              Sure enough,we were.We had just seated down 10 seconds after the bell had rung.Our teacher,Mr.Donny,was teaching Algebra.Algebra was my least favorite subject,but yet..i was extremely good at it.Algebra is where i met Jasper.I had to be his tutor last year.Every since then,i have had this major ‘crush’ on him.I kept staring at him,trying ask why he put that note in my locker.Right when I was about to ask him;the dismissal bell rung.Everybody dashed out of the classroom.

               When I got home i saw that my front door was open.I figured that my maid got groceries or something...I thought wrong.I sneaked into the house and saw that there was blood everywhere.I screamed.I ran back outside and dropped my backpack.I was too scared to see if she was dead or not.I stopped and thought for a second.Maybe it was a good idea to go back.As I walked back,there was sweat rolling down my face so much that there might be a trail.

                As i tip toed into the house and plugged my nose to ignore the smell of the blood,I tried to find her but there...I see my maid...lying there dead with a knife stabbed into her heart.I close my eyes to hold back the tears but I couldn't.I just lost another person i cared about and the only person I had.I kept my nose plugged and closed my eyes for a while.I walked towards her to take the knife out of her.There was so much blood.My gag reflex had hit.I threw up all over the floor.


                 I called 911.

Marceline HaleWhere stories live. Discover now