I think I Do

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I entered the club quickly, put my coat and bag into the locker room and then quickly set the bar up, Conor who owned the bar was in attendance tonight had said he wanted double the amount of alcohol out, Conor was a decent boss, his pale skin and red hair could be easily spotted a mile away but he only checked in on the club a few times a week and left the rest to Artem the manager to manage the club nightly.

I'd just finished putting the glasses in order when I turned to see Conor looking at me "Focus" His eyes were intense, I nodded in agreement and then he broke into a smile "It's a party, yeah?" again I nodded, his hands reached over and cupped my face "Smile" Conor was a big character, he had a lot of personality, so when he smiled I couldn't help but smile along with him.

Conor winked at me and then headed towards the DJ booth to where I could see Tommy talking to Anna.  I went back to sorting everything behind the bar, I seen Lisa dash in a few minutes before the doors were due to open, she looked at me quickly and then disappeared into the locker room.

"Everyone" Conor called and waved his hands to people to gather round, I wiped my hands on the dish cloth I had tucked into my jeans, I left the bar area and with the rest of the staff gathered around Conor "New Year's, yeah?" He was looking at us all serious again "People wanna have a good time, smile, be polite, get their money" He was now pointing at the awaiting crowed we knew were waiting outside "Any tips you make tonight are your own" This got a happy response from the staff, tips were usually put together and then split evenly at the end of the night, so knowing I was working for my own tips would be a nice bonus. "Let's go make some money" Conor finished with huge smile.

The doors opened and the crowd poured in, the noise level was unbearable at times, drinks seemed to fly out my hands, I had to ask Artem to empty the till three times due to it being over the limit of how much I could hold, people seemed to be covered in glitter and party accessories.


My eyes snapped up from the drink I was pouring, Marshall was stood at the bar, I finished loading drinks onto a tray and passed the tray to Anna.

"What can I get you?" I asked Marshall.

Marshall raised an eye brow "How about a fuckin smile" he held a smirk on his lips, clearly, he thought he was hilarious.

I didn't say anything, I walked away from him and served someone at the other side of the bar, it was only an hour until midnight, at times Conor had come to check up on me, he was friendly enough as far as bosses went.

"What are you having?" I asked, Marshall had appeared in front of me again, he didn't look to be in the best moods, good.

"Two vodkas with cola" Marshall snapped at me, I turned and grabbed two glasses. "You got a problem tonight?" Marshall yelled over the music.

I put the required amount of alcohol into the glasses "Nope" I replied and grabbed the hose and poured the cola into the glasses.

I passed Marshall the two glasses and he passed me the money "Keep the change" He said and then disappeared into the crowed.

I continued to serve, people were demanding alcohol faster than I could deliver "Need a hand?" I turned to see Conor take off his suit jacket and roll the sleeves of his shirt up.

Conor was a show off, he done fancy tricks and told jokes, he served a few drinks but he mostly kept people entertained while I tried to serve, he helped me for thirty minutes until his girlfriend showed up, he smiled apologetically before he put his suit jacket back on.

I caught sight of Marshall a few times, he was seated with Kim, Proof and a few others that I didn't recognise, Lisa had been serving them at the table, I wasn't sure if it was because Proof was at the table or because of the looks Marshall was throwing me, he'd either be all over Kim or staring at me.

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