You do accents?

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"Lainey" Marshall called, Lainey looked up from her coloring book, she was in the middle of picking a color for the picture she was in the middle of coloring "Time to get your coat on" Marshall was holding her coat open, she is looking down at her crayons and recently stood up and slowly made her  way towards Marshall, he held a slight smirk on his face.

Lainey had an appointment with the doctors, she was due to get a check-up before starting pre-school, Marshall was taking her and I was staying home with Hailie, Lainey had already stated she didn't want to go to the doctors. Marshall put Lainey's coat on her and zipped it up.

Marshall grabbed Lainey's small backpack and slung it over one shoulder, he picked Lainey up, I was currently on the sofa with Hailie, she was almost four months old, Marshall and the girls had arrived in the middle of the night, Marshall spotting a fresh cut to his lip.

"We won't be too long" Marshall promised, I nodded and they left the trailer, my eyes flicked down to look at Hailie, she was sleepy but hadn't fallen asleep yet, I couldn't help but ignore the anxiety I felt.

I wasn't her mother, I had no clue on what to do should she start crying, in the short time I had spent with her she didn't cry much and when she did Marshall had been here and he knew what to do.

"We're gonna be good, right?" I asked her, she blinked at me. "Okay" I stood up with her and slowly made my way to the bedroom, I put her into the crib, she kicked her small legs out, her eyes looking around, I put the blanket over her and took a seat on the bed beside her, I started to hum a random song to her, Marshall done it all the time and she'd fall right asleep, it seemed to work because within minutes her eyes closed and she was asleep.

I tiptoed out of the room, the trailer was a mess again, I set about cleaning up, my books were everywhere and Lainey's crayons were scattered over the floor, Hailie's bottles were in the sink along with a pile of plates and cups, I'd cleaned Lainey's crayons up and I turned my attention to the sink when I heard Hailie start to cry.

I dropped the cleaning supplies in my hands and walked quickly into the room, Hailie was wide away and unhappy, I tried shushing her back to sleep and tried the humming again but she wasn't impressed, she'd had her feed before Marshall had left so I knew she couldn't be hungry again.

"Is it wind?" I asked her, her reply was to continue to cry. I picked her up and placed her carefully on my shoulder to wind her, Marshall made this look much easier, he picked her up as if it was nothing, I felt like I was going to break her, I tried winding her but all I got was Hailie crying in my ear for fifteen minutes before she was sick all over my shoulder.

"Should've had the towel over myself, eh" Hailie had stopped crying for now but she looked unimpressed with me "Should I try the humming again?" I asked her, she started to cry again. I cradled her in my arms and started to pace the small trailer, this stopped Hailie from crying, her eyes following me as I paced, I tried to put her back into the crib but she started to cry again.

When the trailer door opened almost two hours later I could've cried happily at the sight of Marshall and Lainey, I signaled for them to be quiet, I was on the sofa with Hailie laying on my chest, my arms around her, she had just fallen asleep.

"Everything okay?" Marshall asked, I nodded "You hungry?" Marshall asked as he set the bag of fast food down on the table.

I couldn't decide if my hunger outweighed the thought of moving and waking up Hailie, truthfully the past few hours had been one of the hardest I'd experienced, Hailie was hard work, she was only a baby but I felt inadequate, I wasn't her mother, I didn't know her needs and her crying had almost brought me to tears.

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