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What is love?
What is really love?
The love I know is reciprocal, it is a give and take relationship between two person or I just let myself believe about it.Should I really pay for love?Or should he pay for love?
---Richilane Doe

The sun shines brightly it burns Richi skin. She walked for three hours with her heels on and her feet now hurts badly.

“Arrgh! This pea head of mine choose this pairs of shit, now my feet hurts!” she yelled at herself.

She was so messed up but her determination to look for a job is burning. She decided to walk again and finally let herself sit on a bench near a tower building.

While in rest she sighted a ‘wanted’ poster in the wall of the building. Upon reading, the smile on her face never fade away.

“Excuse me sir. Is this poster valid?” she asked to a guard.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Can you tell me what floor should I go to give my resume?”

“It’s on the 10th floor ma’am. Just look for Mrs. Delia.”

She never thought twice and went on the tenth floor of the building. The things surrounded her was very luxurious and is shouting millions of moneys. All she did is to hang her mouth open.

She feels relieved after arriving at the tenth floor without dropping her mouth on the floor. Richi saw a woman sit in a cubicle and she approached her.

“Good morning. By any chance, are you Mrs. Delia?”

“Yes I am. What can I do for you, miss?”

“I am applying for a job ma’am, the one I saw in the poster below and I’m here to give my resume.”

“Oh really? But are you sure you’re fit for this job? Do you think you can do this?”

“Pardon me ma’am but I really want the job. I wanted to earn some money to help my parents.”

“I see sincerity in your eyes. Well then, you can go to the twenty-fifth floor for your final interview.”

“Thank you so much ma’am. I will do my best in the interview.”

“You really have to do your best because the CEO is quite furious about the unqualified applicants earlier.”

Richi wanted to shake in fear after hearing those words from Mrs. Delia. On the twenty-fifth floor she breath countless of times before knocking on the door.

“Come in” a baritone voice said.

“Good morning sir. I am Richilane Doe and I’m applying for a job.”

He raised his eyebrow at Richi and look at her intently.

“Are you sure you wanted to be my secretary? Look at you, all I think you could do is to beautify yourself in front of a mirror. I want to clear myself Ms. Doe I don’t hire a secretary just to be an ornament for this company. I spend money here I don’t want to give a damn about it.”

Bastard. It’s not my fault to be born beautiful, she thinks.

“I am sorry sir but my intention for the company is genuine. And you should not judge people in first encounter you’ll never know they have the skills and the qualifications your looking for.”

Oh woman! How could you say something like that? Richi question herself in mind.

“May I see your resume?”

He’s reading the resume seriously while Richi’s heart is beating wildly any minute it will explode or the feeling she wanted to pee on her skirt.

“I think your qualified for the position Ms. Doe. I’ve read about your skills and your qualified for the position. You’re hired.”

“Really? Thank you so much sir. I will really give my best for this company. So when can I start working?”

"You can start tomorrow. And miss Doe I don’t like late comers so better watch out. Did I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.”

As for a short moment she feel happy and relieved.

Pay with my HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon