Chapter 24

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On the other day Ydref got a business trip in Amsterdam together with his butler Ben and his secretary Mandy.So Richi has her full attention in the coffee shop and Casa Angelus.

In the morning she was in the shop baking and in the afternoon she goes to Casa Angelus to checked the kids.

One day Natallie called her on the phone saying to company her in an elite bar.Richi was terribly bothered to her friend so she departed her place and went to Natallie.At the bar the bouncer escort her as they already know her.Richi spot her on one round table holding a bottle of Vodka Martini.

"Why were you drinking Nat?''

"Oh your here cupcake, come, sit here drink with me."

"Tell me what is your problem Natallie so that I can help you."

"You cannot help me Richi no one can help me.He cannot love me back Richi,it hurts a lot.I followed what you told me to confess my feelings for him but he only said sorry.You know how painful it was" Natallie sob.

Richi hugged her.

"What should I do Richi I really love him"

"Hush!Pipe down Natallie it's his loss because he reject such beauty."

"It really hurts cupcake its like  suicidal"

Natallie kept on drinking until she cannot stand despite the effort of Richi to stop her.
Richi called a two bouncer to help her put Natallie inside her car.She then bring Natallie to her house.Richi asked Jenny to help her put Natallie in the guest room.

On the next day while Richi was with Jenny in the kitchen making for there breakfast Natallie went down.

"You're awake! Is your head hurts?" Richi asked her while placing the fish fillet in a plate.

"A little bit but what happened?Why I am here?"

"You were wasted you cannot barely walk so I decide to brought you here woman.By the way eat now so that you can drink a medicine afterwards."

"Sorry for bothering you" she look down.

"Yes you really have to be sorry you were such a pain last night, I wanted to kicked your ass out now.But what can I do you are my friend I cannot let myself harm you."

"Ayiee you're so sweet cupcake,thank you."

"I will look for the shop just stay home and rest."

"No, I still have a photo shoot by ten."

"What? You can't! Just stay home Natallie do not be stubborn okay.I will make a call to Alex and inform him you'll not going."


"No buts Natallie just do what I say."

Natallie,Mandy and Sharon was like a sister to her she will be the first one to get hurt when something bad happen to them.That day Richi was the one who  managed the shop while Natallie was resting home.

It was seven in the evening when she closed the shop after that she head straight home.
Ydref would be staying in Amsterdam for three days.That night Ydref called her.

"Are you home?" he asked.

"Yes! You?"

"I'm driving on the way to a hotel dinner.I already miss your cooking,how I wish I can go back there tomorrow morning."

"You can go home after three days don't worry but make sure you buy some souvenirs before going home."

"Of course I would.Anyway take care there I'll hang up now.Love you heart."

"Good night!Love you too."

Three days have pass Ydref went home.He arrives home at exactly noon time.He saw his wife sitting on the coach doing some paper works. Ydref walked in wearing a cheerful smile.

"Hi heart I'm home"

"Oh welcome back.How was your trip?" while she was enclasp him with a hug.

"I was able to meet some young businessman there.I also tour some company where I promoted our wine."

"That's good!"

"What are you doing?"

"I am researching for a new desserts which I would bake" she sit back on the coach.

Ydref sat beside her.

"What a perfect time I got some recipe book while I am in Amsterdam" he gave the recipe books to Richi.

"Amazing! Thank you Dref you're so thoughtful" then she give Ydref a peck on the lips.

"I miss those lips" he winks.

"By the way,are you hungry? I will asked Jenny to prepare some food."

"Nope,I'm still full"


Soon after that Ydref suddenly stretched his broad shoulders.Richi stop what she is doing and go behind him.She starting to massage his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"I am giving you a favor.You are so workaholic why don't you take a vacation you also need to relax."

"Honestly,this isn't easy for me.You know,the company need me."

"Let Mandy handle it.I trust her,she can do it.You just also need to trust her."

"I trained her well so there's a possibility I will let her handle the company.Why,do you want to go for a vacation?"

"Nope,I just thought about you.You also need to take care of your health."

"No need to worry I am strong as a steel" he joked.

"Sure you are" she hit his shoulder.

"What was that?" he asked surpisingly.

"No need to massage it you were born as a steel."

Richi tidy up her paper works in the table and stormed out of the sala.Ydref followed her upstairs.He took a glance at his wife having a phone call.

"Who was calling?" he asked.

"Wendell,he was planning for a family vacation.He's also inviting us."


"Don Andres Resort,own by his superior in military that already retired.I think this is private resort."

"So when are we going?'

"Next week by Wednesday.I also called mom and dad to go along."

"No problem after all this is a family vacation."

"By the way,Jenny asked me she want to go for a vacation in her place.Can you gave her a pocket money?"

"Okay please remind me tomorrow I'll cash out in the bank."

On the next day,Jenny was so glad she receive the money and thank the couple.

Pay with my HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon