Chapter 17

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Ydref went in the kitchen to make his coffee when Natallie enters in their house.

"Good morning Ydref,where is Richi?"


"We will going somewhere today.Is she still sleeping?"

"Nope.Jenny,can you please called Richi."


When Jenny came down she was already with Richi wearing a beige color t-shirt with a loose pants.

"Good morning cupcake" greeted Natallie on her.

"Likewise Nat.Anyway,you want some coffee?" Richi offered her.

"Give me juice please.I have more than enough coffee at the shop" she laughed.

"Where are you going heart?" Ydref asked Richi while holding a cup of coffee.

"Natallie dragged me for a boy hunting today."

"What? You should not be serious  about it my wife or else
I'll see to it to hire a gunman and order your lovers shoot to kill" he smirked and scowled at Richi.

"Tsk.A jealous husband" commented Natallie.

Richi laugh so hard she could barely breathe.

"If you could have seen you face"  her eyes streaming with tears of laughter.

"Shut up" he frowned.

"Bye Dref.I'll see you later okay.By the way I need to go to Casa Angelus I may be home late."

"Don't bring your car I will just fetch you later."

"Oh oh what a possessive husband I have here" Richi pouted.

The two ladies went in the car.It's a black sports car owned by Natallie.After a long ride they finally arrived at the top-rating photobooth owned by Alex Blake a photographer.

He already photograph famous personality such as Justin Bieber,Taylor Swift and Edward Pattenson.He studied in Italy and France for photography for almost two years and built his owned photobooth in Florida.It was a car  photobooth so that they can easily bring their models to different places when their are photoshoots.

A crew lead them to corner where Alex was.

"Good morning Alex" Richi greeted first.

"Oh hi Richi,have a sit.What broughts you here?"

"I kept my promise I brought Natallie Angeles with me.She was willing to do the job.So what do you think?"

"Hi.I'm Alex Blake,nice to meet you Ms.Angeles"

"Hi,you can call me Natallie you're too formal."

"Okay.By the way I need to have some samples.Can you join me ladies?"

Alex brought them to a small room where cameras are located.

"Ahm,Natallie  can you stand over there I'll just have to take some shots.And can you do some pose?"

"Piece of cake"

Natallie make poses perfectly in front of the camera the outcome turn good.
Alex congratulate Natallie and was looking forward to work with her.

"You did a great  job,Nat" Richi complimented her.

"Really? Well I was born to be a star."

"Here you go again lifting your own chair."

"Sorry.Oh look who's here.Is that your husband cupcake? But who was this koala next to him?"

When Richi turned on the direction Natallie was looking she found Ydref and Lani kink like a yellow phyton.
She was reading to lauch a merciless attack but choose to control her jealousy.

"Hi Ydref  I didn't expect you'll be here" Natallie do the talking.

"Yeah.I just dropped Lani here" he remove the hands of  Lani.

"Yes I called him to fetch me because you know my car have a flat tire and I need to go here" Lani said.

"Excuses (she whispers).You can grab a taxi if you really want to" Richi give her a scowl.

"It literally slipped in my mind."

"Ladies I gotta go I'll be late my appointment.Heart I will call you later" he gave her a peck on the cheek.

When Ydref nowhere in sight.Lani approached Richi.

"If I were you Richi I would surely keep my eyes open 24/7 as you'll never know you wake up one day theirs no longer Ydref by your side."

She smiled evil and exited herself.Natallie mimicked Lani's remarks, Richi coudn't help but laugh harder.

"Lower you voice Nat,she might hear you,"she prohibit Natallie from talking.

"What? I don't care!If I were you,you should pulled her hair and finish it with a black eye.How about that?"

"Stop it.I do not want to look like a jealous wife to Ydref."

"Wooh!You're a saint,cupcake!" she sarcastically praised her.

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