Chapter 11

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Her head hurts severely when she wokes up.After washing her face she goes down the kitchen to look for a medicine but found nothing.To her frustration she began hitting her head on the wall softly.Just then Ydref enter the kitchen.

"What's up with that empty brain? Your headache will not go away by simply hitting your head on the wall."

"Don't lecture me around.I beg you my head cannot cope up"

"Shall I give you a medal for your idiotic stunt last night?Who told you to have  a drinking challenge  with Mandy you peahead!"

"If my head would explode I'll hunt your ass forever."

"Whatever!Here,drink this to lessen your headache" Ydref handed her the medicine.

She took the medicine right away and relax for a moment.Then she called Jenny  to prepare their breakfast.

"Just stay home if you cannot make it today."

"Why?So you can flirt with your Natallie whole day?" she blurted out.

"Lower your voice Richi.And where you get that idea?"

"Woman instinct"

"Don't be silly Richi.She's just a client."

"Actually you can flirt all you want because your wife ruin your life so why not ruin her also.Good mind set,now were even" she goes upstairs.

Ydref why Richi acted that way.Is her wife jealous? Ydref did not went in the company that day but visits his mom and dad.He saw his mother reading a book in the sala when he arrived.

"Hi mom"

"Oh my son is here.What broughts you here?"

"I want to visit my lovely mom.Why,am I not welcome here anymore?"

"I'm just kidding.By the way where is your wife?"

"She stays home"

"Don't give her a hard time son,your wife is very good person.She worked for her family when Martin got accident.Her salary goes to their everyday expenses like food,water and electricity."

Upon hearing the words from his mother,he's so guilty calling his wife as a gold digger.

"So when do you plan to give us a grandchild Ydref? Were not getting any younger before we vanished here in this world we want to see your child."

"Do not put so much pressure to our son honey"  Ymilio says as he enter the sala.

"Whatever.Why don't you give some advice to our son having a child Ymilio.Ydref, your sister and brother both have three children, I'm also expecting something from you"

"Did you heard what your mom says  Ydref so if I were you I'll follow her"

When he goes home he look for Richi right away.

"Where's Richi?" he asked Jenny.

"She stay in your room all day sir for she has a dysmenorrhea."

"I see,thanks"

He went upstairs and saw Richi rolling in bed in pain.He sit on the edge of the bed.

"I heard you are sick?"

"I have a dysmenorrhea"

"Did you already drink a medicine?"

"No,I usually not taking any medicine when I'm on my menstration.Its alright I'm immune to this feeling when it is my first day,it will surely lessen tomorrow."

"Lie down"


"I will massage your tummy to lessen the pain.This is what my mother do when my sister has dysmenorrhea."

He massage Richi's tummy gently until his wife got sleep.He place the comforter in her and exited the room.He ordered Jenny to slice some apples and give her when she wakes up.
It was six in the afternoon when Richi wakes up.Theirs a soft knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Hi ma'am.How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better now.What is that?"

"Sir Ydref asked me to slice some fresh apple and give it to you when you wake up."

"He said that?" she cannot believe what Jenny told her.

"Yes.It seems that sir Ydref was no longer a cold prince ma'am"

"Really? I  hope so"

"But ma'am,are you in love with sir Ydref?"

"Me?I'll tell a secret I've know Dref since we're kid as are parents are good friends.I have a huge crush on him then but after he change school it fades away.Then he no longer went along when his parents visits us.The rest was history.I've never imagine that Ydref would be the Ydref I've known since then.Well we've been together months now somehow my feelings came back for him.

"You are blushing ma'am" teased Jenny.

"I am not,stop it Jen.By the way,you really think I didn't notice your glances over Ben,huh.Tell me are you having a crush on Ben?" she teased back.

"You are changing the topic"

Richi got along with her maid Jenny.Jenny is still single who's been a heartbroken because her boyfriend cheated on her so she swear to herself to focus on her work instead.Richi is twenty-three and Jenny is thirty so they still match when it comes to naughtiness.And when she asked if she love him as a wife its her duty to love her husband.

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