Chapter 8

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Finally,after the wedding she returned to her job.There are so many files that need to revised.Her fingers were so badly hurt after an hour typing on her computer but she bear with it.Then she went to Ydref to submit the files.

"Give me the files"

Ydref read all the reports then send it to the air.Richi was so shocked about the scattered files on the floor.

"Don't give me a trash Richi.Is your brain empty or what? I told you to make something good but what you give me was a totall trash."

She resume in her sit and start to work all over again.She was like a human robot that time.

Richi analyze after reading and give a better concept this time.When finished she hurriedly gathered all the files and carelessly touched the flower vase it fell to the floor.She clean and pick it up when the debris prick her middle finger yet she never feel the pain.Then she went in the office of Ydref.

Ydref carefully read the files submitted by her wife and then he gazed at her.He notice that her hair was little messy and when he look down theirs a blood on the middle finger.His anger subside for a moment.He reach for the emergency kit and pick a gauze and betadine.He approached Richi and hold her hand.

"Why is this bleeding?"

"I pricked in the broken vase I didn't notice it was bleeding."

"You're so clumsy.Next time be careful."

"Someone is concerned here" she tried to teased.

"Stop teasing me.Here is the adhesive tape finish it yourself."

She pouted.

"My husband is so sweet" and gave him a laugh.

He scowled at her so immediately she raised her hands up as a sign of defeat.

"Do not wait me, I have dinner meeting with Mr.Jules later."

"I understand"

That night Richi eat alone so she invited Jenny to dine in with her.

"Ma'am sorry for being nosy but are you not in good terms with your husband?"

"You can say that.I will tell you a story because I trust you Jen."

Jenny reach the hand of Richi for a sympathy after she heard the story of her employer.

"I understand now why sir Ydref seem cold when it comes to you ma'am."

"I cannot blame him, I am the one who ruin his life."

"But sir Ydref is lucky to have you.You're beautiful, kind and cheerful person."

"Really?You are making me blush Jen."

While they were chatting Ydref car arrived.Ydref is with two men beside him.They introduced as a house guard and the other is the personal butler Ydref.

"I thought you were on a dinner meeting?"

"Mr.Jules cancel the appointment.He want to conduct a presentation of concept at the company."

"I see.Come have a sit,we still have are dinner."

"We?" asked Ydref confused.

"I invited Jenny over dinner because I thought you will not be home"

Ydref sat down and take a spoon of food served by Richi.Ydref like the taste of the food and complimented Jenny but she said that the one who cooked it was Richi.When Ydref look at his wife he saw pain in the eyes of her but she hide it with a smile.He didn't intend to hurt her feelings.

"I don't have the idea you can cook."

"Of course you won't,I haven't told you about it.Anyway try this one pasta puttanesca,one of my specialty" she cheerfully recommended.

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