Chapter 29

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Ydref went to work to checked how was the export of his wine in Paris when his housemaid called him that Richi is going to give birth.He speed his car to their house and attend to Richi who was shouting in pain.

"Hush!keep calm heart don't shout" he said while carrying her.

"How can I calm if it was really hurt?"

"You can do it heart I am here for you."

"I really can't do it please hurry I think I cannot hold anymore!"

"Ben,hurry start the car"he command his butler.

Ydref hold Richi as they took their journey to the hospital.
Richi was delivered to the labor room right away but Richi don't want to release the hands of Ydref so the doctor let him in.
Ydref was getting nervous as he saw his wife hurting.

"Dref,please don't leave me."

"Sssh I won't leave you okay you can do it heart."

"Mrs.Morillio push now" said Dra.Mccomb.


"Another push Mrs.Morillio I can see the head now."

Richi make another push until she hears the cry of a baby.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs.Morillio."said Dra.Mccomb.

"Oh gosh I make it Dref."

"Yes you did a great job heart."

Richi rest for a while.
Their both parents also went to hospital right away when Ydref called them.They waited until Ydref show himself.

"How is my daughter Ydref?" Martin asked.

"She's fine dad,she just rest for while."

"How about our grandson?"his mother Flor asked.

"He is handsome like his dad" Ydref uttered proudly.

"Really?Can we see him?"

"Excuse me Mr.Morillio here is your son" interrupted the nurse.

"Thank you."

Ydref held his child on his arm with care.

"Oh son I don't remember you know how to carry a baby?" Ymilio was surprised.

"I attended some workshops for the first time dad and they taught us how to carry a baby."

"You surely are a great dad to him."

It where only seconds when his son was on Ydref arms for his both parents are excited to carry their grandson.
Richi hear the chatting and laughing of folks so she slowly open her eyes to see her parents and in laws holding the baby.

"Is that my child?" she spoke softly.

"Oh you're awake,yes dear he is your son" replied Flor.

"Can I hold him mom?"


Richi look at her son with love.He is a gift given by the heaven to the couple.

"Hi heart how are you feeling?" Ydref entered the room.

"I am fine.Look at our son Dref I bet he will grow up making the girls cry."

"Definitely,he inherited that to his dad."

"Tsk.Boys will be boys ."

"So what are you going to call him?"Ymilio asked.

"Since he is a boy I will call him Jasmier,what do you think heart?"

"Jasmier?hmmm okay!From now on we will call our son Jasmier."

On the next day Richi went home after she released from the hospital.

"Jenny,can you clean the master's bedroom for a while and also put the crib in are room.Ben,can you help her please."

"Yes ma'am"

"Prepare also my son clothes so I can dress him."

"Heart,let Jenny handle our son you need to rest,take note you just release from the hospital" Ydref reminded her.

"I am fine Dref okay and I also want that I will be the one to take care of our son."


"Dref please, I need you to understand me."

"If that's what you want but call me if you need help."

"No worries I can handle.You also need to go to the office I won't bother you anymore."

"You and our son is  not a bother to me Richi,remember that."

"Alright,I will remember that."

"I will leave Ben here, if you need help just call him."

"Copy that sire"

"I need to go, bye" he peck her on the cheek and kissed his son.

While Richi is carrying her son in the rocking chair Natallie and Alex arrived.

"Is anybody home?Jasmier? Your godmother is here" Natallie is shouting at the top of her voice.

"Hey! Lower your voice Nat,Jasmier is sleeping."

"Oops sorry cupcake I am just excited.He really look handsome I cannot wait to see him grow."

" What brings you here?"

"We are on our way to a photoshoot when we decided to pass by,as you know how much I wanted to see your son."

"Well,you need to have your own son.Did you heard that Alex?If I were you better start planning to have a child."

"We will be going to that matter soon but as of now were both not yet ready" Alex said.

"You really need to propose Alex because after seeing Jasmier I already want a child" she said with a laugh.

Alex caught off guard.

"Hey couple what do you want for snack I let Jenny prepare it for you."

"No need,we also need to get going now bye cupcake,bye-bye baby Jasmier."

When the two vanished in sight she put his son Jasmier in the crib.Richi breastfeed his son as she believe that it will help him grow healthy.

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