A promise!

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Once upon a time, there were two little girls, Azalea and Dahlia. They’re sisters. When Azalea was thirteen their mother passed away. Their dad went to jail for the murder, but he was actually innocent. No one knew this though. Dahlia was just about four years old, she had no idea what was going on. All she knew was that “Mommy is in a better place now and daddy’s gone too.”  

After their parents were gone , Azalea’s teacher brought her and her sister, Dahlia to her home. She decided  that she wanted to adopt them, but she wasn't so sure that her husband was going to be okay with this. When she walked through the door, she could tell by his facial expressions that it wasn't a great idea. He knew his wife had a “big heart”. He knew what she was thinking when those kids walked through the door. She can't help it. He was pretty upset that she brought them home without letting him know first. He said “they can stay for a night and find somewhere else to go after school. They can't come back here.”

The next day Mrs. Dai, Azalea's teacher, was on her way to work. She was driving down Lakeshore. Then all of a sudden a car comes speeding down the crossroad, and crashes into Mrs. Dai. Luckily a EMS truck was passing by. She is immediately rushed to the hospital, while the man who hit her has no injury whatsoever. When she arrives at the hospital her husband was called and he drove to hospital to meet his wife as soon as he could. When he got there he was taken to her room and she was perfectly fine. He checked up her. She was breathing perfectly, she had a scar on her forehead, she had a sprained wrist, but that was all. Nothing major.

That night he went back home. She was still in the hospital.

It was about 3:00 in morning, he received a phone call. When he answered, it was the hospital that his wife was in. He was panicking. The lady on the phone was saying that Mrs. Dai had a stroke and she didn't think that she was going to make it through the rest of the night and that she was really sorry to have to tell him this. He couldn't rush to the hospital because visiting hours were from 8:00-9:00 so he waited and waited and waited. He never went back to sleep. He couldn't. I mean, how could he?

He arrived at the hospital. He was anxiously waiting and waiting and waiting. He was worried. He couldn't sit. He couldn't stand. He paced. He paced back and forth, back and forth. The doctor came out. She said “your wife is okay, but she is in critical condition”. He asked if he could see her and he could. So, he walked down the hall to her room, room 109. She smiled, then he smiled. She asked about the girls. He said that he hasn't heard from them. She looked and said “The only thing that really could make her happy is seeing those girls and knowing that they are in good hands”. He thought about what she said. And he thought about it some more. Then he realized that he could do what she wanted all along,by  adopting them.

The next morning, he went out to look for Azalea and Dahlia. When he found them, he found them outside of a convenient store on a corner. He explained what happened. He told them that he was really sorry if he made them feel any type of way. He wanted them to know that it was a sincere apology. They asked if they could go see her, then can he drop them back off to their corner. He said that they can go see her, but he wasn't allowing them to sleep outside of a convenient store. They got in the car and rode to the hospital. He took them to her room. He said “They're in good hands, I promise”.

Mr. Dai looked at his wife. She looked back at him. She said “Thank you!” She looked at the girls and closed her eyes. She started shaking. Then she stopped, then started again. She started foaming at the mouth the doctor came in “She's seizing, she's seizing!” Everybody rushed in the room while rushing Mr. Dai and the girls out. They try to look through the window. They hear “clear” no heartbeat. “Clear” still, no heartbeat. “Clear” everything stops. Everyone stops. They go out into the hallway outside of the room. They look at Mr. Dai. He could tell by the the look on his face, he knew. He looked through the window. He puts his right hand on the window and says “I promise!”



                                             The end!

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