Tricks Can Deceive You

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I just finally am done with my writer's block with this story. I finally found out to manage 4 stories. I will update once a week probably for 2 stories. (3 are miraculous, other is this partial story I found I wrote during my dark story phase) Thanks for reading! I am also in now!  But I update here first.

Marinette's POV

I can't believe Chat was Adrien this whole time. Now that I think of this I kinda of liked him too. Well before he became Chat Blanc, and is probably going to do who knows what now. Suddenly I remembered that true love's kiss will break the spell. I kissed him before, and all I have to pretend he is Adrien or Chat Noir.

I leaned in and kissed him gently, but he was shocked at first but kissed me even more passionately. I believe that if my head wasn't telling me I was with Chat Blanc, I would be kissing him forever. But he ended our kiss and started to smirk and say," Well Purrincess, I thought you purrfer Chat Noir. Why would you kiss me?" I started to stammer like the fool I was for not thinking of a plan. " I thought so too Mari, you were trying to trick me weren't you. Too bad Ladybug will never find out. In order to make your mouth shut, lets do something we enjoy.

( Let your imagination run free now, I vomit when I write Sin myself; I am just too innocent for sex except blood shed, curse words, death. )

Few minutes later......

I cannot believe how dirty I was to Chat. Of course we didn't go to the extreme, but worse I enjoyed it. "I'll come back later my purriness. But I will have to fix some matters in my own hands." Wait what I replied to him.

"Lets just say an annoying pest on both of our trails will be gone." What does he mean by annoying pest?

After a couple of minutes I accidently tripped over one of my designs when I was pacing. It was my sketch I did for the derby hat competition, that Chloe copied. Wait, Chloe is an annoying pest for both of us. He is going to kill Chloe, I can't let him do that. But as soon I was in the living room, the TV had news that Chloe was lifeless. "Chloe was attacked what we believe is an akuma, but Ladybug still didn't come near the premises yet. We believe she is planning an attack to stop this akuma, because to Paris and probably her dismay the victim appears to be Chat Noir. " Suddenly Chat Blanc appeared next to the reporter, "Well you are reporting my crime. But thank you for your time. Hey, Ladybug give me your Miraculous unless you want people like Chloe dead. I will give you a week, but everyday till then there will be mischeif and death. But if you don't give me your miraulous, Paris will suffer."

I think that was the moment I fainted for my fate.

Well  thats all for meow, sorry for short chaps in the future!


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