Umm where did I left off? Oh yeah, Lila.

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Marinette's POV:

I just got foiled by a bird. Uggh why does complicate my problem. All I need is to destroy the miraculous team and I could scamper my way back to being the one who was happy. I deserve happiness right! The only way to cool me down, is if I talk to Lila. Sure I can't tell her about what I did, I could always just sly my way to being beloved. 

Lila didn't pick up her phone. So now I am stuck with nothing to do. 

"Honey, a boy who claims to be your friend. His name is Adrien."

Adrien? Well he is something but once you know the enemy, you can defeat them. I see Adrien wearing something not his usual style. I shrugged and told him that I had better things to deal with. My maman thought I was still heartbroken about him but I was being rude to him so that kinda counts. 

Then I looked out my window, to see someone I haven't seen in six months, but then the sky just flashed purple and then I somehow fainted.

Sorry, for the looooooooooooooooong chapter wait, but I feel so tired so now but I want to give an idea where this story is gonna leaf to. Sorry if I did not proofread or write long! Meow for 1.2 k reads! 


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