Devilize Me

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Marinette's POV

I woke up in a familiar home. Wait, this looks a lot like Master Fu's home! 

"I have seen you woke up Ladybug. Your friends are here, as so I did invite them!" The old man told me. 

I see the door open, revealing my best friend and those traitors! All of them suddenly had widened looks on their face.

"Wait, Master Fu. There can't be no possibility that sweet innocent Marinette is Butterfli!" Alya said in her annoying voice. 

"Yes, I have known Marinette since we were kids, and she would never do this," says Nino. 

"Well our greatest friends can have the most evil mind," Master Fu said. 

"Like my father, but Marinette didn't change. She is still plain beautiful Marinette," says Adrien.

I just wanted roast him with marshmallows. Except those would be burnt ones, so I reply to his insult.

"Yes, as always I am considered as plain old Marinette. Not even a single one except my friend, Lila cares for me! And Lila why are you here? Aren't you like my best friend, not like those traitors!"

Lila looked she could burst into tears, but she kept a strong face. Chloe seemed quieter out of the Quad. Until her ugly voice spoke(I almost wrote spook).

"Um Master Fu, I don't want to be rude but...even if Marinette is the Butterfli, the question is how do we get rid of the butterflies' influence on her," Chloe says. 

"How dare you insult my butterflies! They will understand me more than any of you guys will ever know! They know what it is like to be left alone with no one to help a broken soul. Don't take them away! They are all that I have left to be living for. I am not worth living in this garbage called Earth," I say.

*Caution I am very dark...but not really emo*

"I actually felt the same way, Marinette," says Chloe. "I know what it is like to be alone in the world without any true friends. But now I understand why I was so jealous of you through the years. Because you were the light out of the darkness. The lovely person who would do anything to make others happy!"

"Marinette please don't let the butterflies control you. You taught me lies were not going to get me a friend or help me at all. I am your friend, after all, all of are. And we all know that you were struggling with being Ladybug, so you needed help," Lila says sympathetically. 

"M'lady please, let go of the dark illusion. Revenge is not the way in life," says Adrien. 

"No Marinette. Don't fall for their lies. We are your best friends, we can give you all the power that you need! You can teach everyone a lesson, and you can be above the rest," says the butterflies. 

I then realize I am becoming a monster! Soon I would be feared instead of loved. My own parents would never see me as their daughter. Even Lila would see me more as a villain. Who knows if even become the next.....Hawkmoth. I need this influence to get off of me. I took out the necklace and put it into my palm.

Instantly a butterfly came out, with also gasps from them(Quad and Lila). I stroked it gently and then asked me what task should it do.

I then crush the necklace and butterfly at the same time. Then I felt like I was in my own mini-verse with akumas swirling around me. 

"No, Marinette. You were supposed to be the next Hawkmoth! Our plan should have worked. We will come back and this time we will win! *Wicked laughing and a lady appears which is the picture up above except with white hair* 

"I will come back sweetheart but by the time you will know, it will already be too late! 

The mysterious woman then disappeared and then I came back to reality. I looked around the room before my mind went blanc. 


*Eat your popcorn or vegetables now. Then go ahead done*

*I dare you to see this link*

*Comment if you did......I am no chicken*

*Back 2 the Story*

Where am I? And why am I at Master Fu's? And the Quad! And Lila?

*She is having too many thoughts so short sentences. Sorry if it bothered you!*

"Ah, Ladybug you have finally woken up! You will have no memory of prior events yet others will,' says Master Fu.

"Did I do something wrong? And I am no Ladybug, Master Fu!"

"Of course you are Marinette. You have always been one of my favorite ladybugs. And one of my bravest ones, usually most of them are corrupted by the power of the miraculous that it only takes for the end of the battle to give it back. Yet the battle wasn't won and you gave it back!" 

Tikki comes out and smiles. 

"T-tikki. How. What. Why?"

Tikki merely giggles and hugs me. 

 "Well isn't this miraculous," says Master Fu. 

The End... 

but... Author's POV 

The mysterious woman stroked a butterfly. She revealed to have yellow eyes. She was sitting on her throne of thorns and butterflies. 

"Mwhahhaahaha, one day I will rule the world." 

So then she writes us a new chapter to end this one simple book. 

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