Not a chapter....without a miracle of love story ending

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This is the end of the original end that I intended. If you liked for some idiotic reason- okay idk anymore. Well if you still liked the last chapter for some weird reason(author intended this story with death duh, it even says that in the description) I can make that into a book, I only got two thumbs and those are from my friends so please let me know. Anyways enjoy or cry or suffer with this ending. (I am not responsible for Chloe to name her child, it was a promise alright)

Continuation: Adrien's PoV

I just can't feel any emotion right now.

Why did I want to be akumatised?

Why did I use Mari for lust?

Why did my best friend above Nino who was my love die?

I couldn't even deal with the trauma that in my memories that I found my father to be Hawkmoth. I remembered him wanting the ladybug and my miraculouses because to bring back Mom. But Master Fu explained it could not be possible because he was selfish so it would backfire and hurt him instead which meant he would lose his success, or money or perhaps even me. I asked him if Mari can be alive, but he said she was given a chance but never took it and gave somebody else a chance.

I wanted to be a selfish brat and wish Mari would come. I wanted to die or hurt myself but Master Fu highly recommended me not too. There was no more trouble for me to have Plagg if Mari wasn't my bugaboo. Master Fu was okay with my decision saying that there would be no trouble for some time now. I moped as an orphan to school with a sad look. Even Chloe never bothered me again knowing that I caused the damage as Chat Blanc.

One day after the 1 year anniversary of Mari's death,  I decided to walk by myself when suddenly a drunk bus driver hit me. I felt like I was so happy because I might see my beloved Mari again. I heard the ambulance and Nino pleading me to stay awake with Alya. My last words to them and the whole world is that I will see her again.

Then after that I felt darkness overtake me until I see a girl. Marinette was looking at me and smiling and said, "Welcome Adrien, may we both have each other for eternity." I kissed her and hugged her as a scoped her up into the well you know what I mean.

Four years later:

"Are you ready Adrien?" Mari whimpered.  "Well, we will be soulmates forever. Who knows who we will be and not. I just now I will see you again with the same old memories of the past," I smile to her as I said these words. 

A few years later(16(They are supposed to be 18 when Adrien dies) years later): In author Pov

"Wow, look at Marinette and Adrien(age 8), they sure act a lot like them actually," says Nino.  They were twins of Chloe and Nathaniel and Chloe wanted to name her children after the most wonderful friends she might have ever had. Alya and Nino named their children, Nina(8), and Alin(4).  "Are you ready to relax?" Chloe nodded to Alya when she asked Chloe.  "We just will wait for the babysitter Bridgette," says Chloe.

Ding Dong, Bing bong bing bong bing bong bing(Guess where you have heard it)

"That must be Bridgette!" says Chloe. Bridgette entered in with her boyfriend, Felix. "Sorry for bringing in my boyfriend, Mrs. and Mr. Kutzenburg but we haven't spend any time since." It's okay dear," says Chloe. "Be careful we wouldn't any of the villains of today to catch you guys, " says Alya. "Of course not, " says Felix. If anything happens for sure we would know for a fact where Alya would be, " says Nino. "Haha just because I used to do that doesn't mean I don't do it you know after.....," says Alya. "Its okay Als it has been hard on us too," says Nathaniel. They leave.

Bridgette smiled at Felix and decided to fill the kids' minds with tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir(themselves). They loved it and even proclaimed that Adrien and Marinette were named after the original Ladybug and Chat Noir. Bridgette and Felix refuse to acknowledge that because there was no proof.

 After they tuck in the children in bed, Bridgette gets Tikki and Plagg out of her purse. "Tikki, for some reason Adrien and Marinette are explaining that they were named after the previous Ladybug and Chat Noir, is that true?" "Well it is but actually you and Felix are reborn from the souls of Marinette and Adrien. Which were a tragic love story, our most tragic since I was first used? "Can you tell us of their lives and why they are tragic," asked Felix.  Plagg started with his remembrance of camembert. Tikki interrupted that horrifying perspective and explained starting from the beginning where they fell in love. Which ironic to Felix and Bridgette was the same way they fell in love within one word,'umbrella'.

Sunny, Daniel, and Alana smile in their costumes still teenagers and acting like teenagers because they were alive for 100 years. They helped for many years until they give their miraculouses to the right person in the next eight years to perhaps Marinette, Adrien, and Nina.

The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Well, that is the end of this stupid story! I want to thank all the 500+ reads for those of you who still read my story even if I was lazy to update once or twice or thrice. And the people who vote! I wasn't expecting anyone to pay attention to this. I am officially happy to finish my second story before my first. As I previously stated before I will be inactive from December 14th-January 15th. I will stop updating December 1. Maybe I will update on December 1st but that would be my last update for like long long time. Well, last update on this story*Crying emoji* When I come back or I can update 2 more chapters for a continuation of the last chapter. But I am not good with big fights. I am actually happy with this ending and an author should stay true for themselves.

"A person can be anyone, a Ceo, doctor, programmer, a daredevil anything! But still stay true to what you are. I wanted to write so I became an author and write what is true to myself and nobody can convince me to be something else."-AMC


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