Use free time study 4 finals(Real Chapter Name: Why you guys hate Lila?)

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To bad I have free time suckers! I had nothing to do except I decided to waste my time writing for you! I thought I probably haven't updated this one in a longy long time so I was like write two chapters. So here it is! Please vote for me on the mlwatty awards. And if I didn't follow you already I will follow you if you want for me. Okay like I said I want to win. If I don't win, there is next year, so umm yeah. Well enough with the author trying to bribe you, here is Lila's POV. Don't hate me, she deserves second chances okay. An2: Nope, nevermind I hate Lila with a burning passion. 

Lila's POV

I was walking to school this morning without Marinette today. Marinette for some reason had already left without me. I known Marinette for six months and she would never leave without me for now. Her behavior was slightly odd though since yesterday. I mean she bullied the love of my life for goodness sake. Maybe there is something wrong with her?

She might be her usual self today perhaps. When I arrive at the school, I see Marinette letting her hair down and wore one of her new designs I remembered she been working on. It had a white t-shirt with a blue butterfly. And had a nice black capris with blue converse. She didn't even wear her usual makeup, and she looked so beautiful. A bunch of guys were staring at her with their mouths opened. She looked like she didn't even care and was apologizing to the people she hurt yesterday. 

"I am so sorry guys, my grandmother was ill. And I shouldn't have taken my anger on you," says Marinette in the distance. As I am walking, I see an old man needing help getting up. I walk over to him and lend him a hand and pull him up. He smiled and thanked me. I had this weird strong feeling that there was something in my bag, but it must be because of my money. I always carried at least 5000 dollars with me in cash.

Le Time Skip

When I arrived at my huge mansion, I felt the loneliness consume me. No one is home most of the time. My father always directing a movie, while my mother working in her magazine, PlayGirlz. My old caretaker stopped working for us when I was 11. So whenever I come home, only I am there. There are some maids but they only work from 9-4. 

My parents were only at the mansion during Christmas. Then they would go and celebrate with Christmas parties in other homes. I wasn't required to come, so I stayed just there by myself. Marinette had to do some plans, so I was by myself. 

I opened my purse to get my phone and I see this box that is probably in Chinese? I opened to see if the owner left their name. There was no name, except a peacock pin. This sorta looked like a miraculous but it could be fake, so I just pinned it to my green t-shirt. Suddenly a blue peacock bird came out smiling. I screamed so loud, that all of Paris could probably hear me. "Stop, I am Duusu. The kwami of the peacock miraculous." Wait, a miraculous? I don't deserve this, last time I did, I really messed up badly a year ago.

"I help you turn into a superhero. Paris needs you, Lila! Haven't you heard in the news, an akuma is still out. We need to help them!" I cut out to be a superhero? Well, you don't know until you try. Suddenly my TV turns on and I see the former ladybug. "Run, run wherever you are Miraculous Team, but my crew is going to destroy you!"

'You, have to transform now! Say Duusu, Feathers Out(so clever right?) I did and I felt magic of blue energy overtake me. I looked in the mirror and I see my hair turned blue instead of orange with my hair tied in a pun(lol get it pun, bun). A peacock feather looked like a hairtye instead of a regular tye. My outfit was a blue mask with a blue overcoat that could go long or short and a green to fade into blue suit was on me. 

I went outside and I met the miraculous team. HQ was fighting against what looked like anti-bug, and vice versa for the rest of them. Well, when I mean met I mean closely observing them. I looked at Ladybug, well now dubbed Butterfli. I struck her with fans and she dodged them. She looked at me then summoned an akuma but it didn't absorb my shadow. I was shocked but Duusu told me, that the moth miraculous or the akumas won't harm me since we were supposed to be partners. 

I fought with her and we fought for a decent amount of time before, Butterfli fell down. "It's over Butterfli." 

"Yeah, there is nowhere to run!" 

"I wouldn't say that Alya. Same goes for you Chloe." They gasped. 

"You are wondering about how I found out, right Nino. Don't worry I won't tell a soul who you guys are. Let's just say you talk loud. And peacock, just because I can't make you afraid about who you really are. I guess we are evenly matched. But you guys think I am giving up, do you? Well to answer to that Adrien we won't have to stay oblivious." She took this time and leaped and like a butterfly flew away with her new wings in a flash.

It's not okay that she knows us guys, well peacock we know each other so who are you? I didn't want to tell them but we might know each other, so I detansformed into myself. Adrien was mumbling something like, oh great. 

"But weren't you already Volphina?"I reply to HQ saying," Well whoever gave this to me believes I can save people. And I want to help Ladybug turn into her normal sense."

 They gave a sigh of relief and they detransformed to show what everyone now called the Quad. Adrien, Alya, Chloe, and Nino were called the Quad. I wondered why they weren't called that during when Marinette was one of them. But things change over time. Like Marinette, she rather would hang with me than these so-called friends. Wait, didn't Marinette wear a butterfly t-shirt? Nah, she must have been inspired by recent events.

So last update cross my heart not literally. Wrote this thing in 35 minutes. Bye!(1000 words)


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