Chapter 18

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(Nialls POV)

As soon as the Tv turned on Harry was on the news Harry's face appeared.

"Oh no" Liam said as he grabbed the old remote and turned up the volume.

The murderer has been identified as Harry Styles, He has also been identified as the psycho killer slaughtering families and friends.He shot down six police men and sixteen people. If you see him please turn him in to the police, He is armed and dangerous. 

The reporter said and zayn yelled.

"He only shot 6 of them!!!" 

I heard sobbing behind the wall in the hallway. I put my finger to my lips signing everyone to shut up as I walked into the hallway.

I saw Al on the ground with her knees to her chest sobbing her eyes out. I bended down and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me, her mascara running and her eyes a bright blue. I hugged her.

"It's ok Al, come into the living room and I will make everyone some tea" She nodded and I lead her to the couch.

She sat down and put her knees to her chest and watched the news.

I walked into the kitchen and started making tea when I heard someone come in.

"The girls are on there way, I can't believe Harry was so stupid to get his picture on the news" Louis said grabbing the tea bags.

"Maybe it was a accident" I said putting the kettle on the stove.

"Doubt it" He said getting any cups he could find and putting them on the table.

I watched has the water got heated. They called him a psycho, I mean yes it does fit him. But are they calling us psycho too? We were all troubled kids yes but thats why we have these jobs. I always wonder what Harry would have done if he stayed with his family. As my thoughts began to wonder the kettle boiled. I put the boiling water in a tea pot with the tea bags and letted it mix. I sat down while it was mixing and looked at Louis.

"I am trying to call Harry to see if he is alright and tell him where we are" Louis said looking at his phone.

(Where we are XD)

"oh ok" I said pouring the tea into the cups.

I walked out to the living room and handed everyone their cups. I sat down and started drinking tea.

(Harry's POV)

I was driving down the street when I saw police cars ahead. I stopped and decided to take the back roads to the main house. I got a call from Louis so I parked and I answered it.


Lou: Haz what the hell did you do??!?!!

H: It was a accident

Lou: ok, anyways we are at the safe zone house

H:Why? what happened? wheres Al?

Lou: 1 and 2. We came here cause you got caught and 3. she's fine she's in the living room

H: ok I am on my way, be there in ten Minutes

Lou: Ok, bye Haz

H: Bye Lou, Can you tell Al I love her? just incase I get caught again

Lou: Of course Haz

H: Thanks Lou

Lou: No prob Harry, Just promise two things.

H: ok

Lou: one. Don't get caught

H: Ok I promise. Next?

Lou: Please please don't break her

H: Who?

Lou: Al, she's a sweet girl and she loves you. One day you will have to pick, Let her go or let your job go.

H: I won't break her and that will never happen.

Lou: It will Haz

H: whatever I have to go, I need to start driving

Lou: ok, bye

H: bye

I hung up and got on my bike and put my helmet on. I started the engine and drove off, I wouldn't break her. Would I? I mean if my job got to the point it could really hurt her or kill her I would leave her, send her home with those awful people. But that would protect her, from them and me.  I don't know what I would do. But, I will decide when the time comes. I started to drive into the neighbor hood and decided to park two streets down away from the house. I put my hood on and started walking.

(Al's POV)

I slowly drifted off to sleep on the couch. I felt something fuzzy cover me as I realised it was a blanket. I cuddled into the blanket getting as much warmth as I could. One of the boys started a fire in the fireplace so the room will warm up soon. The boys talked about random stuff. Weather, girls, sports. then I fell into a deep sleep until I felt someone pick me up. I was to tired to see so I just cuddled in their chest. They walked upstairs and layed me back down on the bed. It must be Liam. I sighed wishing My Monster was here and got under the covers. I heard the person walk in the bathroom then walk out. They turned off the light and crawled in bed next to me and Hugged me. I felt his bare chest, I don't think this is Liam because My Monster would kill him. I reached up to his hair but I couldn't tell. He grabbed my hands and kissed them. I didn't know who it was so I moved myself and my hands. The person rolled on to me pinning me to the bed. He kissed my neck up to my jaw. I grabbed his hands trying to get away but he whispered which made me relax.

"It's only me love" My Monster's deep raspy voice said as he started to kiss down to my neck again and started to suck on it.

"Are you ok?" I asked playing with his curls

He nodded and rolled off of me, I scooted closer to him putting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He put a arm over my shoulders and pulld me closer.

"You wer on the news" I blurted out, knowing that was wrong to say.

"I know I was, it was everywhere. The psycho Killer they are calling me now. I should have left with you guys but I couldn't have till he was dead so I am sorry for the next few weeks of hell that the police will put us threw." He said caressing my hair.

"It's ok, but what if you get caught?" I asked as I kissed his chest.

"If I get caught they will add all of the crimes I did and put me in prison and kill me, If I'm lucky" he said.

"If your lucky?" I say sitting up, he sat up too and put me in his lap facing him.

"If I am very Lucky they will put me in Jail, If I'm lucky they will put me in prison and kill me. If I am not lucky they will put me in a insane asylum so I can rot and die" He said.

I sighed and put my hands on his shoulders.

"And if you are very very Lucky, you won't get caught" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head.

"We just need to wait a month. Then this will all blow over and we can go home." He said, I sighed

"ok" I said closing my eyes.

My Monster fell on his back on the bed with me on top of him.

"Night baby" He said holdong me close.

"Night my Monster" I said as I drifted off to sleep.

(A/N) This is the longest chapter I have ever done so I hope you like it 

My Monster //H.S Punk AU #Book 1Where stories live. Discover now