Chapter 21

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 (Al's pov)

Alayna turned off the tv calmly, Everyone looked at her.

"Harry?" she asked drinking her coffee.

"yes?" he said looking at her.

"Did you kidnap her?" Alayna asked.

"Nope, she came with us on her own. Just her parents are evil."  My Monster said simply.

Liam sat down on another couch and put his elbows on his knees and face in his hand. Niall sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Harry look what you have created. Now we're wanted in London and we have family and friends!" Zayn exclaimed

"I have to call my Family and Ghaz" Liam said rubbing his face.

"We can't call anyone they will track it down to us" Louis said playing with dog tags in his hand.

Liam sighed, Alayna left to the kitchen for a minute and everyone was silent. I looked around the room. It was nice, warm, and welcoming to guests.  The theme was like old victorian. A black and white cat came out of no where and jumped on my lap. I didn't mind of course, I started petting her. My monster looked at me as soon as I started petting her.

"Dusty get off she's mine" Dusty jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen.

I sighed and shook my head. Alayna cam back out with 6 cups of tea and handed us each one. Everyone thanked her except for My monster. He didn't even take the tea. 

"Alayna? Can I take Harry up stairs to get him some medicine on that burn?" I asked.

"Yes you can" She said finishing her coffee.

"Thank you, Come on you lazy excuess for a boyfriend" I said playfully standing up.

He groaned and I helped him get up, We walked up the long twisted stairs. With every step he winced. We got to the top and I didn't know where to go.

"Down the hall to the left" My monster said.

I helped him down the hall and opened the last door on my Left.  It was a 16 year olds room. It had posters, a guitar a bed. I sat him down on the bed and looked around. There we're books on the dresser, had a couple of sheet music on there as well.

"This was my room." He said laying down.

"It's awesome" I said pulling out a medicine bag from the old dusty bathroom.

"It is isn't it, I guess you don't know what you got till it's gone" I sat on the edge of the bed with cream and bandages. 

"Ya, can you sit up please?" I asked.

He nodded and sat up. I put some of the cream on my hands and rubbed the burn. He winced in pain so bad that he tried to move my hands.

"Harry I need to do this ok?" I said, He let go of my hands and I continued. When I was done with the cream I got the bandage tape and started wrapping his side.

I finished and he layed back down and closed his eyes. I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed, I pulled out my phone and decided to text my dad.

To dad: Why did you tell police I was kidnapped?

From dad: Cause you were

To dad: was not I ran away

From dad: I don't care if you stole the queen's jewels he is going to jail!

to dad: I hate you

From dad: when you get home you are grounded

to dad: so? I don't care it happened before.

From dad: and a lecture

to dad: whatever 

From dad: oh just wait till you get home

To dad: omg I'm so scared, NOT

from dad: your a dead girl when you come back here

I turned off my phone and let out a depressing sigh. I don't want to go back, to hell or home they are both the same to me. I heard a snore and almost fell off the bed. I turned my head and my monster fell asleep. I chuckled and stood up, walked over to him and kissed his head. I smiled and looked at the room once more before leaving and going back to the living room. Everyone talked for a little while then we all went to bed in the 5 guest bedrooms. I walked into this beautiful victorian one and layec on the bed and soon fell asleep.

Running out of the house when my monster lets go of my hand.


he ignored me and escaped, I stood there as the fire consumed the room and I heard my dads voice/

"your a dead girl"

I screan as the fire enclosed me.

I woke up sweating, in a bed, alone. I sat up and put my feet on the cold wooden floor. I walked out into the dark hallway and opened My Monster's door. He was in the same spot I left him earlier. With shaking hands, I closed the door and walked up to the bed and layed down with him. I cuddled into the side that did not have the burn and closed my eyes. I felt Harry's strongarm tighten around my waist as comfort as I slowly fell to sleep.

(A/N) Ok this one is short I know but I was really busy this weekend. But anyways, Happy Mothers day to all the wonderful mothers out there and please like, comment and star on this book it means a lot and I will love you for life <3 ~A x

My Monster //H.S Punk AU #Book 1Where stories live. Discover now