Chapter 25

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(Al's POV)

I walked up the stairs, God those boys. How Does Sheyanne and Nikoline put up with them. I made it up to the top of the stairs and started walking threw the dark hallway, I felt a chill up my spine, like something wasn't right. I made it up to the door and turned the knob to a dark room. I tried to turn on the light on but it wasn't working.

"Harry?" I asked walking into the dark room with the only light coming in was from the window.

I walked towards the window and tripped and landed in a puddle? it felt like water yet it didn't smell like water, it was sticky too. I grabbed my phone and turned it on and pointed to the liquid. I screamed, it was blood. I crawled to the source of the blood and saw Harry's lifeless body on the floor with a knife in his stomach. I sat up and checked his pulse. He's still alive, Niall and Alayna ran in but couldn't see us.

"Al? Harry?" Niall said,

"Over here, Niall go get Liam" I said flashing my phone.

"ok" Niall said running down the stairs.

Alayna walked in and grabbed a flashlight and shined it on me and Harry and she gasped and fell to her knees.

"Harry?" Alayna said in a sad voice checking his head. Liam walked in and Niall brought a lamp and set it down and turned it on.

Liam looked at Harry then at me.

"We can't take the blade out, he could bleed to death. We have to take him to a hospital" He said grabbing a jacket from the bed.

"But he will get caught" Alayna said holding on of Harry's hands

"Thats why me and Niall are just going with him, because we can get him in and out in 3 hours" He said putting on the jacket.

 Niall stood up and grabbed Harry's legs while Liam grabbed Harry's shoulders and me and Alyna supported Harry's sides. We carried him to the car and layed him in the back seat and Niall and Liam got in the front seats. I shut the door and watched them drive off and Alayna got Zayn and Louis to sleep.

"I hope they're careful" I said looking out the window at the snow. 

 "they will be Al, don't worry" Alayna said cleaning up all the glass.

"But they could get caught" I said looking at her.

"I know, but if they do they do" I helped Alayna clean and soon fell asleep on the couch.

(Harry's POV)

I woke up blinded by the white lights, was I dead? I sat up and all the room had was a table and chairs. The room was white, so white that if you left a dirt spot, it would take notice,  I heard the door open and closed, I turned my head and saw a women dressed in a black suit.

"Sit down Mr. Styles" She said sitting down, I did the same.

"So, am I dead?" I asked looking around.

"No, not yet. You are not going to die for a little while" She said looking threw a file that said 'Harold Edward Styles'

"What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"It means you are not going to die and you are not dead.Yet'" She said closing the file.

"Why can't I just die?" I asked resting my elbows on the table.

"Because your not finished yet Mr. Styles, you still have more to do" She said.

"Like?" I said 

"Things, Mr. Styles" She said simply to me.

"What things" I said standing up.

"Spoliers" She said

"your full of it" I said walking away towards the door.

"The kid with tattoos to hide the scars" She said shaking her head.

I turned my head, Maybe she knew more then I trhought,

(A/N): Hello :3 please share, comment and like and follow this story if you like it so far and Harry is going to go somewhere in Chapter 28 so keep reading! ~A x

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