Chapter 22

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(Author's POV)

Harry woke up with less pain in his side then yesterday. He looked over and saw Al asleep. He kissed her head and laid his own back on the pillow. He closed his eyes and heard a ticking, like a clock he felt restraints. he felt a cool breeze and then he heard his Alarm clock in his bedroom go off. He opened back up his  eyes and stretched over Al to turn off the alarm and she fell off the bed. He  turned the alarm off as she sat up.

"Ow" She said rubbing her head.

"Sorry Al" He said laying back down "how long have you been in here?" He asked.

"A couple of hours" she said as she walked over to the dusty curtains and opened them.

Harry hissed at the sun and covered himself up playfully. Al looked at him and put her hands on her hips.

"Harry you are not a vampire" She said taking the covers off.

"Yes I am, I don't like the sun" He said putting his pillow on top of his face.

She smirked.

"Ok so I guess since Vampires hate the sun. They can't see my new swimsuit today" As soon as she said that, Harry sat up.

"Well what do you know! I'm not a vampire anymore!"

She laughed at his funny comment and started to walk out of the room until Harry grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall kissing her passionately. She kissed back running her fingers threw his soft, brown curls. Their lips moved in sync for 2 minutes. Harry broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. They were both gasping for air, he kissed her lips one more time and walked into the old bathroom to change in proper clothes.

Harry washed his face with cold water, he heard the sounds of the old lights in the asylum. He heard the doors creak, open and closed. In a way, it scared him. because he didn't know what was happening.  The sound went away as he got in the shower, he stood there in the shower trying to think what those sounds were coming from. He let the water of the shower run ontop of his head down, He stood there for 10 more minutes and he got out. He changed into skinny jeans and a kiss shirt. He walked out of the bathroom and started to walk downstairs when he became light headed he grabbed on the railing for support as he sat down on the staircase. Liam walked past and saw harry about to fall over.

"easy Haz, you ok?" Liam asked walking up to Harry and helped support him.

Liam helped Harry downstairs and into the living room and helped him sit down.

"wants some tea?" he asked rubbing Harry's shoulder.

Harry nodded and turned on the tv. The fire at the house is on tv now, Al came out and sat on Harry's lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled his face in her shoulder. He heard the clock again, ticking and ticking and ticking no stop. It was driving him mad, insane. Harry closed his eyes tight and gritted his teeth. He clenched his fists and Al got off of him and bended down infront of him.

"Harry?" she asked putting a hand on his leg. "are you ok?" He hit her hand and she moved it.

Harry curled up into a ball on the couch covering his ears. he rocked himself, back and fourth, back and fourth. Al walked closer to him.

"Harry?" Harry looked at her but did not see her. Instead he saw a nurse with a syringe walking towards him.

"Everything is ok" He saw the nurse say but it was really Al.

He stood up and swiped Al's hand and pressed her against the wall by her throat and her feet weren't touching the ground. He started to squeeze her throat slowly

"Harry" She choked out putting her hands on his arm, trying to make him stop. He didn't.

"Why am I here" He said his eyes getting darker as he squeezed.

At this point she was gasping for air. She kicked his leg but it didn't work. He pulled out his pocket knife and Al's eyes grew wide.

"Harry. Don't" She choked out. He arched his arm back so he could stab her but he was soon pushed back by Liam and Louis. 

Harry thought they were doctors so he fought back to get back to her.

"Let go of me!" He growled not breaking eye contact with Al. "I'm going to kill you all!" He yelled. 

Alayna walked in with a syringe and injected it in Harry's arm causing him to fall on the ground unconscious. Al fell to her hands and knees, Gasping for air that she can receive now.

"What the hell was wrong with him?" she coughed out trying to stand up with Niall's support.

"I thought you said he was over it Liam" Alayna said checking Harry's forehead.

"He told me he was!" Liam said picking Harry up and putting him on the couch.

"It looks like he was lying then" Zayn said putting a crochet blanket on Harry.

Al walked over to Harry and rechecked his forehead. He was burning up, like he had a nightmare. Al walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cloth and a bowl full of cooled water. She came back and set the bowl and cloth on the floor next to the couch and Got on her knees next to the couch. She dumped the cloth in the cold water and then she ringed it out and placed it on Harry's head. Zayn, Liam and Alayna left to go to the store while Al stayed there  tending to Harry. Did that burn have to do something with this? she thought as she ringed it out again and placed it on his head. Harry mumbled A little bit and she leaned in closer to hear what he was saying, she soon realised she didn't want to know as he said.

"They are coming"

(A/N) Ok hey guys, Diana is out of town so she could only right 300 words of this chapter but don't worry I did it!!!!! Next week I am going to be 6 hours away from my computer DX but don't worry I am going to write the chapter on my phone while we are in a 6 hour car drive and then when I get back I will send it threw my email and put it in here. so I hope you have a good weekend. Please please please. Like, comment, share and follow and I will follow you back ;) love you all!!! ~A x

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