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Jennie's pov
Lisa ran off into the cabin without us. We all tried to go into the cabin, but they wouldn't let us. We waited for the longest time until Lisa came back out being helped by two of the policemen.
Me: Lisa! What happened?!
Lisa: j-j-Jimin is d-dead, she said as I saw a body bag being carried to an ambulance.
Chae-young: No! No! No!, she screamed while running towards the ambulance.
All of us started to cry. The police came up to us to ask questions about Junkook. We answered all of their questions and we all left. Lisa has been quiet the whole car ride to my house.
Chae-young: h-here's your stop, she said as her voice broke.
Me: bye guys see ya soon, I said trying to keep myself together.

I thought it would be best if Lisa stayed with me for a few nights because I know she needs someone right now. She is probably traumatized from seeing Jimin's dead body, I would be. I walked up to my room with Lisa slowly following. We both sat on my bed and I quickly hugged her and we both broke down in tears.
Me: it's going to be okay Lisa. I promise.
Lisa: Why is today so h-horrible?! First I'm kidnapped then Jimin's murdered, and then I find this creepy ass note at the crime scene!, she yelled with tears streaming down her face.
Me: w-what note?
Lisa: this one, she said grabbing it from her pocket and handing it to me.

I slowly unfolded the note and read it. As I kept reading it my blood started running cold. My whole body felt as if it were shutting down. The words Junkook wrote on the note made my stomach turn.
Lisa: Jennie are you okay?
Me: he's coming back.... he's gonna hurt you... I-I
Lisa: we will get through this, she said slowly rubbing my hand with hers.
Me: what are we going to do?
Lisa: I don't know. So much shit is happening.
Me: let's just go to sleep and see if it will help.
Lisa: okay, she said as she covered us with a blanket.

Lisa's pov

Me: where am I?
Unknown: Lisa, thank god you are here!
Me: who are you and where are you?, I said only seeing fog all around me and hearing an echoing voice among it.
Unknown: that doesn't matter right know. You are here because I have to inform you that-
The voice was interrupted by this loud crackling like fire works and then nothing. It was pitch black. All I heard was drops of water hitting the floor. I then felt a sudden chill shoot down my back as someone whispered "look out....behind you". I slowly turned around to see a man in a black oversized jacket. He came closer to me then froze. He reached for the hood of his jacket and removed it. He looked at me and I was met with that familiar smirk of the one and only Jungkook.
Jungkook: Miss me?
*end of dream*
I quickly shot up from Jennie's bed with beads of sweat on my forehead. It felt like I couldn't breathe, like my lungs have been ripped out of me. Jennie soon woke up.
Jennie: oh my god Lisa! Are you okay?!? What happened?!?, she said rubbing my back.
Me: I had a nightmare.
Jennie: about Jungkook?
Me: yeah, and this werid voice was trying to tell me something, but then everything went black.
Jennie: it's going to be fine, you have me and I won't let anything happen to you. I love you Lisa.
Lisa: *sobs* I love y-you too Jennie, I said as I cuddled into her side.
As I laid next to Jennie all I was thinking about was that voice and what it was going to tell me. I kept thinking and thinking about everything that went on today and then my eyes got heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

*the next day*
Unknown: Lisa wake up, someone whispered in my ear.
I quickly opened my eyes to see no one, not even Jennie next to me, but then I heard the voice again.
Unknown: Lisa
Me: who's there?
Unknown: it's me....Jimin.
Me: a-a-are you a ghost?
Jimin: I think so, he said coming into view.
I saw him right before my eyes looking so alive, looking so real, but I knew he was never come no back to his human self.
Me: how are you here?, I said as tears welled up in my eyes.
Jimin: please Lisa don't cry.
Me: Can you just answer my question?
Jimin:  something sent me here, he said looking down.
Me: why are you here?
Jimin: I have some information to tell you and you're not going to like it.

Sorry if it's short, but I just really wanted to write a chapter today for you guys. Hope you like the story so far and thank you for the reads. There will be more chapters like this to come in the future.

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