Chapter 11: Thankyou

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Still Harry's P.O.V~

When Daisy saw me I noticed a sign of relief flood her face. She got up and ran into my already open arms.

"I'm so glad your here. I missed you so much!" Daisy said.

"I know I'm glad that I'm here too." When she looked up at me I can see that she was crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"It's just that... Harry, that guy, he's my uncle. This is his house."

I can't believe that Daisy's uncle would do this to her. Why was he so sick and cruel?

"And the worst thing of parents are dead." And that's when she broke down and fell to the ground. I sat down next to her and tried to comfort her. We sat here for about 10 minutes and she didn't stop crying. I felt so bad for her.

"Okay let's get you home."

I give her my hand to get up and we walk to my car, still hand in hand. We get into the car and head to her house.

When we arrive I can see about 20 police cars and 3 fire trucks. I see the paramedics come out with two stretchers with what appears to be bodies in black zip-up bags. We park at the corner of the house and run up. There are neighbors standing on the other side of the yellow tape. We try to make our way through the people and finally reach the tape.

"Sorry sir, but you can't pass beyond this point. " The police officer said.

" Officer this is my house. I need to get through." Daisy explained.

I followed her under the tape and into the house. When we entered the house there were police officers all over the place.

Daisy's P.O.V

When we enter the house, all I see are police officers and Savannah. Oh no! Savannah. I forgot all about her. She was probably so scared. My eyes connected with hers and I could see that she was about to cry. She ran over to me and started to ask me a bunch of questions like 'where were you?'

I explained everything to her and she completely under stood. Harry was on the other side of the room talking to the police officers and explained my uncle situation and some of the officers went to the his house to try to find him.


It's been about 5 hours since the whole scene at my house and it's 3:00 in the morning and I'm wide awake. I decided to sleep at Harry's house. I was with him in his bed and Savannah was on the couch downstairs. I started to think about everything that happened today.

I came home to find my dead parents and then I get kidnapped by my own uncle. My life has never been perfect, I but I thought it would never come to this.

Harry has his arm slung around my waist and I felt somewhat comfortable. I just felt so safe in his arms. I love him so much and I was so happy that he was the one who saved me today. I turn on my side so that I'm facing him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. It look so cute! I tap him on his shoulder and when he opens his eyes I can see the same piercing green eyes that I saw the first time I met him.

"Hey. " I said

" What time is it?" Harry asked in his irresistible deep and raspy voice.

"Um... About 3:00"

"Why did you wake me up then?" He said , now sitting up on the bed.

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you did for me today. And I really mean it." I seriously meant it. Harry is my everything and I wouldn't ask for anything better.

Now Harry was laying down again and said, " You don't have to say that. I love you and your my everything. I would do anything for you." He read my mind.

With that I turned back over and now he was holding me even tighter. I felt my eyes getting heavier by each minute that I was laying there with my eyes open and fell into a deep sleep that I hope I would never wake up from.


Authors Note :

I am soooo ashamed of my self. I published this book around the month of January and I only have 355 reads. I know that's a lot to some, but to others it's nothing compared to them. I wanted at least 500 reads by the beginning of summer ( for me it's June 5) but I might end up deleting the story. I don't know, but here's another one of my crappy chapters that I hope you don't like. BYE

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