Date Night

406 16 1

Today is it! Today is the day I can finally go on a "date" with Katniss well more like a dinner.

I have a black sleek suit on that I bought with Finnick yesterday for this date. I hope she won't take this too seriously I really do like her but I don't want her to freak out."Aww look at my baby boy he's so grown up now" Finnick comes in fake crying."I hope Katniss will be okay tonight I'm starting to doubt this what if she takes the date to serious like were something" I pace back and forth in my room."She will be fine Annie and Glimmer are helping her get ready Madge couldn't help since she's out of town"."Okay do I Atleast smell alright" I ask as he takes a whiff of me in."OOooO roses" he says. I roll my eyes and get ready to go pick up Katniss."Dude remember don't sweat it she will be calm and so will you don't think of it as a date even more like a friendly dinner with a really attractive girl" he says the end quickly. Finnick can make you feel better and then nervous again in the matter of seconds but whatever, Lets Get Katniss!

"Smell Check"."Good"."Teeth Check"."Good"."Outfit Check"."Amazing"."Is that all" I question."Uh Date Check" Glimmer states. And just on point the doorbell rings."CHECK"Yells Annie. Annie and Glimmer stay upstairs while I go get the door.

The door opens and there stands Peeta who looks extremely sexy tonight and that's weird coming from me."Well you look stunning" He says breaking the awkward silence."Not so bad yourself" I say looping my arm into his as he leads me to the car door which he opens.

"So where are we going tonight" I ask curiously."It's a surprise you'll just have to wait" he smiles. I hate surprises due to the fact I'm very impatient and stubborn.

We pull up to the edge of a Forest."Peeta why did we stop" I question."Where here" is all he says before getting out of the car and coming around I open mine. He loops his arm around mine and we start walking into a pathway which is lit up with small lanterns. I smile a bit.

I loop my arm around hers and I lead her onto the pathway that was lit up thanks to Finnick. We eventually get to the picnic which I set up right by this little pond."Do you like it"."I love it" she blushes. We sit down on the blanket and eat pasta and cheese buns. We enjoyed are time eating talking and looking at the stars."So do you wanna do this again sometime" I ask and she blushes."I would love to" she smiles. We return to the car and I drive her home.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I really hate this story and this chapter sucks but this was my first story and I'm just trying to finish it quickly cause I would hate to delete it but anyways can I start getting some comments and more input on this story I feel like no one is reading and I'm just stressed cause I try to find time through school and stuff to update but I feel like no one is even reading

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