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Lyra pulled into the driveway to see Roman standing in the opening of the porch. He was smoking, leaning against the white barrier that blocked the view of the front door for seclusion.

Before she had time to kill the engine, a beat up tow truck pulled into the driveway beside her - it was Peter.

Lyra looked toward the porch, seeing Roman's jaw clench before taking another draw. His eyes shifted away from the parked vehicles, pushing himself off the divider.

Lyra made her way to the porch, keeping her gaze locked on her feet. She heard Peter's door close; his footsteps following behind as she made her way toward the door.

Roman extended his arm, holding out his hand as a barricade. He stopped Lyra in her tracks, his hand resting on her abdomen. Lyra looked up at Roman, seeing the pity in his eyes. Lyra shook her head, gently pushing Roman's hand away as she continued inside.

"I'm gonna lie down. I'm tired." Lyra spoke quietly, ignoring Roman as she entered the house.

Roman appeared that Lyra's gesture went unnoticed, but her coldness had irked him.

When the door closed, Roman's eyes trailed to see Peter standing at the foot of the step, daring not to stand on the porch. He stood awkwardly; his lips twisting with narrowed eyes.

"How was it?" Roman asked; his light eyes never looking directly into Peter's.

"It was quite a party. I wouldn't say it was the party of the year, but it was up there-" Peter began to rave sarcastically, his voice laced with bitterness.

"I mean, how was Lyra?" Roman interrupted. He wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"They buried her mom... what do you think? Are you asking me if she cried- yeah, she cried." Peter sighed; lowering his head, trying to stop himself from spewing anymore disdain for Roman's absence.

"What did Ares have to say?" Roman asked, looking back toward the door to be sure Lyra wasn't there. He stepped toward Peter, flicking his cigarette toward the grass before folding his arms over his chest. Roman pursed his lips, moving them into a hard line with kneaded brows.

"Yeah, about that... Look- something's off about that guy. I don't know what it is, but-"

"Yeah, I know." Roman glanced back at the door. He was paranoid that Lyra was listening. "That's why I wanted you to be there. I don't want you telling Lyra this, but I think he had something to do with it."

"To do with what?"

"Mary's death. I can't tell Lyra, she's already a fucking mess." Roman said, brushing his fingertips along his chin.

"You got that right. I just can't seem to figure out why, you know. Lyra said that Pryce and Ares wants to keep her out of Hemlock, but then he kills her mom? Something's not adding up... he knew she'd be there."

"I think he may have killed Mary to get Lyra to come back, without knowing that she was already here." Roman admitted what he had been thinking all along.

He had been fearful of Lyra suddenly gaining the ability to read his mind, discovering what he had really thought. It had been difficult for Roman to carry on normally, considering everything Lyra was trying to make better.

Peter looked up at Roman, squinting one eye closed apprehensively. "Do you love Lyra?"

Roman's face fell in contempt; looking down at Peter in annoyance. "Why the fuck do I keep getting asked that?" Roman spat.

"It's a yes or no question."

"Why- why do you wanna know?" Roman was becoming irritated by the question; of course he did - why did that mean he had to constantly say it?

"Because Lyra loves you. She's in love with you. It's... obsessive and unhealthy." Peter admitted.

"Shouldn't you be bailing your mom outta jail?" Roman turned, starting toward the front door.

"You don't deserve her. The least you could've done was be there today." Peter turned, trailing back to the truck, leaving Roman dumbfounded and angry. Roman had his reasons for not attending the funeral; reasons that Peter didn't deserve to know about.

Roman went inside, glancing over his shoulder as he stood in the doorway, watching Peter back out onto the road.

The truth was, Roman knew what Ares was capable of - he had dealt with it nearly everyday he was with his daughter. Lyra could see things in Roman's mind; every thought and every emotion.

Roman had avoided Ares since he began harboring Lyra, keeping her hidden away in his glass house. He couldn't let Ares know - Roman didn't trust him. But now there was no more hiding; Ares now knew that Lyra was back in town and without her usual telepathic sensibility.

Roman went upstairs, peeking into the bedroom to see Lyra wrapped up in the comforter, lying in bed. He released a breath he didn't realize he was holding, slowly making his way toward her.

He sat on the edge next to her, staring down at her regrettably.

"Did Peter leave?" Lyra mumbled into the bend of her elbow, keeping her eyes closed.


"I would encourage you to forgive him... but, there's nothing to forgive." Lyra said.

Roman knew that he was clinging too tightly to a petty grudge. Beneath his hard exterior, he knew that Peter had only done what he had to do - he had ran. Perhaps that's what hurt him the most; nothing tied Peter to Hemlock the way everything tied to Roman. He was free; free to make his own choices - his own mistakes.

Peter had abandoned him, but so had everyone else. If Roman ever found Shelley, he was sure to welcome her with open arms. He had just as quickly forgiven Lyra for her desertion. Roman knew that Peter was the only person strong enough to handle his anger; his resentment for everyone that had abandoned him. Peter was the cushion of Roman's loneliness - his only friend that had just as much reason for fleeing as everyone else had. Peter was just strong enough to take it.

"Roman?" Lyra spoke as if he had left the room; he had gone quiet, lost in his thoughts.

Roman cleared his throat, looking to see Lyra had opened her eyes.

"If something happens to me, don't let my father near me." Lyra said.

"Nothing's gonna happen to you." Roman snapped. He closed his eyes tightly, hoping that his reaction hadn't caused alarm. "What made you say that?" Roman wasn't sure if he was asking or demanding. But in an attempt at being respectful of her wishes, Roman kept his gaze out of Lyra's line of sight.

"I'm just telling you... keep him away from me." Lyra mumbled, closing her eyes again.

Roman watched as Lyra's eyes closed, amazed at how quickly she could drift to sleep. Lyra was suspicious of Ares too; it wasn't just himself and Peter that thought something was odd about the doctor.

But that wasn't what concerned Roman; Lyra was sure that something was going to happen to her. That bothered Roman more than anything - more than any grudge, more than any monster and more than whatever threat was lurking the town.

Taking Light {Sequel: "For Love of Evil"}Where stories live. Discover now