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"I thought you said you were going to a bar with Peter." Lyra spoke into her elbow, lying on her side as Roman moved around the bedroom.

"Plans changed." Roman simply stated, sitting on the edge of the bed as he removed his shoes.

"Why did the plans change?" Lyra was angered with the situation—upset with herself for letting Roman get the better of her. Even though she knew her love for him wasn't real, it didn't make it any easier. She still felt that she loved him.

"Peter wanted to show me something." Roman said. It upset Lyra that he refused to elaborate. She knew the boys had been up to something—it involved keeping Lyra in the dark about whatever it was.

"What did he show you?" Lyra pressed; annoyed that she craved him in every way, despite knowing it was all an illusion.

She wanted to touch him—she wanted him to touch her. Lyra wanted to feel his body against hers; she wanted to gaze into his soul as his body connected with hers in all ways possible. It was demented, insane even.

"Maps... lots of maps." Roman spoke low and insulting. Lyra wanted to wrap her hands around his throat—she wanted to squeeze until the whites of his eyes turned red. Then she wanted to kiss him; she wanted him to punish her for her violent actions.

Lyra hated herself for needing Roman. It was frustrating that she couldn't read his mind—to know what he was hiding.

She was beginning to feel the emotions of others again. She hoped that after several treatments from Pryce, she would once again have the ability to read Roman's mind. He would no longer have the opportunity to keep his secrets.

"Will you just tell me what the fuck he showed you?" Lyra spat, turning over on her back to face Roman.

His eyes wavered to Lyra's, his head turning down toward the mattress with furrowed brows.

Roman didn't understand why he couldn't just love a simple girl—one who asked little questions and couldn't tell when he was lying. It was frustrating to be with someone so similar to himself. Roman loved Lyra more than anything, possibly more than anyone. It irked him sometimes—this was one of those times.

"Lots of porn. It was mostly beastiality stuff- not really my thing." Roman retorted sarcastically.

"Did the maps reveal where I'm gonna bury your body!" Lyra exclaimed, rolling back on her side away from Roman.

"Close." Roman lied next to Lyra—his hand moving up the length of her arm lovingly. He swallowed, closing his eyes tightly as he prepared himself to tell Lyra the truth. "The bodies... if you connect where they were found on a map, it makes an incomplete pentagram." Roman admitted.

He stopped stroking Lyra's arm; his thoughts going back to the charm that had once hung from Lyra's neck. Roman had never given it back to her, his superstitions were against it. If Lyra ever left Roman, he would always have a piece of her—that dumb necklace would always tie them together, bonding them for life. Lyra had never asked about the necklace—probably unaware that Peter had ever given it to Roman. Unbeknownst to Lyra, if she ever decided to leave him, he would always have something to tie himself to her.

Lyra stiffened. Her eyes became wide as she stared at the door across the room. She recalled that her father seemed to have a fascination with the six pointed star. It suddenly occurred to Lyra that Roman was mistaken.

She reached back, grabbing a hold of Roman's hand and placing it on her lower abdomen. She swallowed hard, realizing that she had misinterpreted the symbol as well.

"It's not a pentagram. It's a hexagram." Lyra spoke quietly, squeezing Roman's hand in fear.

"What's the difference?" Roman whispered against her ear. The sound of his voice was calming; knowing that no matter what was to come, Roman would be there. He had to be—he was forced to be by Lyra's side until the end; Ares had set it up that way.

Taking Light {Sequel: "For Love of Evil"}Where stories live. Discover now