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Lyra's eyes fluttered open to the sight of a familiar blinding light, hovering above her. She squinted her eyes, sitting up in the bed.

She gazed around the room, knowing exactly where she was. Lyra wanted to call for Roman, but knew he was nowhere in listening range. She felt nearly betrayed by him, considering she had practically begged him not to let her father near her.

"Miss Cambion." Pryce smiled, stepping through the steel door on the upper level. He took his glasses off, hanging them from his lab coat pocket. He held a paper in his hand, tucking it away under his arm as he made his way down the stairs.

"Where's Roman?" Lyra asked, wanting more than anything to get the fuck out of the basement; it held nothing but bad memories.

"In the lobby, he's waiting for you." Pryce said, handing Lyra the paper.

"What's this?"

"Your medical report... Congratulations." Pryce spoke unenthused.

Lyra's brows furrowed in distrust, reading the paper in her hands. There were words she couldn't pronounce, along with numbers that didn't make much sense.

"What- I'm not dying? That what you're congratulating me for?" Lyra scoffed.

"You're pregnant." Johann turned, tapping icons on the monitor nonchalantly.

Lyra's face fell in disbelief. She let out a small laugh, mocking the news. "No. I can't get pregnant. Something about... being a demon from hell and what not."

"You're right, the succubi uterus expels all foreign specimens of the human race. But not ones of their own kind." Pryce pursed his lips; looking over his shoulder at Lyra to see that she still wasn't registering what he was saying.

"Roman isn't of my kind." Lyra snapped, throwing her legs off the side of the bed.

"Just because he is not that of your kind, does not mean you are less susceptible to his... well, his seed."

Lyra shook her head; her breathing became erratic as her heart raced. "No, no, no, no... Ares told me that I was barren. You're wrong- I'm dying, that's what's happening. I haven't stolen shine in-"

"Over three months, Roman tells me. Miss Cambion, what exactly did your father tell you about taking light?" Johann turned; crossing his arms over his chest.

"Nothing much."

"Did he stress to you that it would be in your best interest not to act on your urges?" Johann questioned.

"Yeah... but I thought I had to."

"Miss Cambion, you're a gentle breed. You're not like Roman or anything of his kind. You can go years without taking light. But, since you have taken it upon yourself to take light when it deemed unnecessary, you now have what counselors across the nation call an epidemic, an addiction."

Lyra scoffed, struggling to find the words to counter an argument. "My senses... they're gone. I have to steal shine in order to-"

"The pregnancy is not treating you well. The life inside of you is taking away all of that. And it will continue to do so until it gets what it wants."

"What does it want? I don't have much left to give."

"Exactly, which is why you slipped into a comatose state; almost as if you were experiencing a drop in glucose. The fetus... it's part of Roman. What does Roman want more than anything- what does Roman need to thrive?"

Lyra's eyes grew wide, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Blood."

"Exactly. There are risks involved, I want you to be aware of that. I want you to discuss it with Roman. He's... very fond of you. I'm sure he would be incapable of coping if something were to happen to you. It's best he knows the uncertainty of this circumstance." Johann said.

"You mean... I could die again?" Lyra asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's possible. I have never studied the trimesters of an Upir, Succubus. You're nearly ten weeks along and the fetus is already acting as a parasite. The outcome of this is untelling- it's quite unpredictable." Pryce sighed silently, looking to Lyra to see that her expression was still stoic. "Miss Cambion-" Johann placed his hand on her shoulder, causing her gaze to shift to his. "Will you be going through with the pregnancy? Roman would never have to know... if you choose not to go through with it."

Lyra stood from the gurney, moving away from Johann's hand. "I didn't have a choice in keeping the last one, Olivia made sure of that. I want this baby, do you understand me? I want you to do everything you can to keep all harm away from this baby. Olivia, Ares... I want this baby safe." Lyra stared coldly into Johann's eyes. He had never witnessed this side of Lyra before; so protective and assertive.

"Yes, Miss Cambion... I understand. In that case, I want you back in one week for a follow up. I want to see if the treatment is going to work." Johann picked up a glossy scrap of paper, handing it to Lyra.

Her eyes grew wide when seeing it was a sonogram; the black and white photo revealing what resided within the confines of her womb. A tiny being taking the form of a small baby. She could see the shape of it's head, the outline of a nose and even hands. It was unreal—beautiful and terrifying all the same.

"You said ten weeks... when will I start showing?" Lyra asked, never taking her eyes off the picture of the ultrasound; the reason for her recent changes.

"Everyone is different, but around twelve weeks, roughly." Johann cleared his throat, watching Lyra walk toward the stairs; her eyes never wavering from the glossy sonogram. "If you prefer to tell Roman in privacy, I suggest you to put that away." Pryce spoke, idly typing while staring up at the monitor.

"Where do you suggest I put it?" Lyra found herself laughing; realizing she was only wearing a thin nightie with no pockets. She wondered if Roman had covered her at all before carrying her out into the cold, dragging her to the institute.

"Here, take this." Johann slinked out of his lab coat, then his blazer. He met Lyra by the steps, draping it around her shoulders. "Have Roman return it the next time he decides to come into work." Johann smiled, gently squeezing Lyra's arms in encouragement. She couldn't help but to return the smile.

Lyra started toward the steps, only to have Johann keep hold of her arms. "Roman is going to want you to get rid of it. Be prepared for that." Johann's jaw clenched, looking into Lyra's eyes with pity.

"I know." She whispered.

"Good luck." Johann patted Lyra's shoulder, releasing his hold on her as she trailed up the stairs; stuffing the sonogram into the breast pocket of the blazer.

She stood before the steel door, psyching herself with deep breaths and closed eyes before pushing it open.

Lyra stepped into the empty hall; the long corridor white and vacant. When she turned the corner, she was surprised to see Roman leaning his back against the wall near the elevator. He looked restless; his head was tilted back, his hands in his pockets. His leg bounced impatiently with the bottom of his black shoe propped against the base of the white wall.

She pursed her lips, trying not to smile at the sight of him - knowing what she now knew. She stepped around the corner, making her presence known.

Roman pushed himself off the wall when seeing Lyra. He raced over to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly as he pulled her into his chest.

"What the fuck happened?" Roman spoke in a breathy whisper, trying to make sense of Lyra's sudden unscathed demeanor—it was as though nothing had ever happened. He pulled her back, holding onto her shoulders gazing into her eyes.

"I fainted, it wasn't a big deal." Lyra lied; amazed at how easily dishonesty had come.

"Where the fuck is Pryce?" Roman asked, looking over Lyra's head, trying to see if Johann was anywhere in sight.

Lyra placed her hand on Roman's cheek, getting his attention again. His large green eyes wavered to hers; his lips thick, pouting nearly petulantly. She had a feeling the baby was going to look more like Roman - but it was only a feeling.

"I wanna go home." Lyra said, looking into Roman's eyes. She raised to the tips of her toes, stretching to give him a kiss. She removed her hand from his face, interlocking her fingers with his. She guided him toward the elevator doors, ready to go home.

Taking Light {Sequel: "For Love of Evil"}Where stories live. Discover now