Kaala Ryder

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Name: Kaala Ryder

Species: Human

Race: African American

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Allegiance: Prospit

Fetch Modus: Cheat Code

The fetch modus is normal, and can captchalogue most items, but each item you captchalogue comes with a cheat code (A specific random number and letter combination). On the back of the fetch modus is a small QWERTY keyboard and a slot with text. Typing the cheat code for a specific item will uncaptchalogue that item.

Strife Specibus: Chainkind

Weapon: Chainsickle

It's a sickle on a chain. Don't play jump rope with it. And don't lick it. It's also good in long ranged attacks.

Game Entry Item: Red Bat

Exile: Glass Life

Title: Sylph of Blood


Medium: Land Of Clam and Bonds

Symbol: Black Bat

Guardian: Big Bro

Ectosibling(s): Jin Hargun

Other family: Keenan Ryder aka  Post- scratch-Alphas Big bro

Home: New York

Chumhandle: SilentchaosClown

Typing style: Standard. All caps when shouting/screaming.

Character Traits: Kind, Considerate and A Matchmaker

Path to Ascension: A Sylph of Blood would ascend after feeling abandoned by their friends. Feeling alone and abandoned, they'd go off on their planet by themselves to think. With a heavy heart, they'd wander aimlessly and eventually stumble upon their Quest Bed and make a rash decision to go god tier. Alone and lost on their planet, they'd die believing no one cares about them- when in reality their friends are waiting nearby worrying about them!

Powers: A Sylph of Blood is focused more on the physical aspect of their...aspect. Usually it has no application for other classes, but in this case a Sylph of Blood is closest to a magical healer. They understand wounds and can use their knowledge to manipulate the body to heal itself. Although that's their main ability, they can also heal people's minds by giving them a friend/lover/hater that'll cheer them up and help them get back on track. Or just distract them from the pain by being obnoxious/overbearing. Whatever their patient needs, the Sylph know and use their powers to match them with who they need. That's about all the healing...except for timelines! To heal broken timelines, these players can make relationships that are necessary for the survival of a timeline. Using their powers, they can make the relationships a timeline needs to ensure it's survival. 

Strengths: An unrivaled, natural healing ability is a big plus. Also the ability to make lasting relationships out of nothing is pretty special. You know how I always say to have a moirail on hand for emergencies? Well these players make it happen! They're really important. They'd also make good medics on the battlefield. 

Pitfalls: It doesn't always happen, but sometimes there'll be a Slyph of Blood who doesn't like seeing blood. After all, to be a Blood player, you need mostly relationship-building skills, not doctor skills. So help them get over their squeamishness. Also a long strong of helping others may lead to depression or selfishness because they may feel they need attention too! Which may cause Grimdarkness. Oh no! Moirails to the rescue! Heh. Have fun with that if your Blood player's running rampant. Yeah, have someone who's really perceptive of feelings there to help talk them down from whatever they're feeling!

Inverted Title: Prince of Breath


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