Sulphur Class with Blood, Space and Mind

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Sylph of Space: One who Invites Creation of Space or one who Invites Creation through Space

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines

A Sylph of Space will likely have all sorts of ideas and opinions on the origins of things, where it all began, how the universe was created, how their species originated and unlike other Sylphs, a Sylph of Space is a bit more precise or accurate in their opinions. Some Sylphs of Space are very random and changeable and by their nature invite others to be as random as they are. Most will love to try to inspire people with art, fashion and their intuition, hoping that others will follow suit in their example and be creative as well. They love for things to be made, either by themselves or others and may have a specific hobby involving just making some sort of random object.

They also like to fill up empty spaces wherever they see them with trinkets doodads and thingamajigs so they often leave a trail of clutter wherever they go. Some might also create empty spaces where they think their needs to be one, so either obsessively cleaning things of or nosily meddling in other’s personal Space. Some might have trouble focusing on one thing for too long, inviting the creation of the random changeableness, and others would be super focused on what’s presently happening. They have a tendency to make others very impatient with them, or they may be super impatient at times themselves.

So you can see that not all Sylphs of Space need act like Kanaya, where Kanaya was focused on the present, and wanted to inspire people with her sense of fashion and was a nosy personal Space meddler and didn’t have much clutter around her, other Sylphs of Space might be super random and unfocused and cause other people to be very impatient with them and their habit of cluttering up rooms and hallways, running around doing things and wanting others to join in the fun. They might also have a certain talent for stacking random objects, like cups, chairs or making card houses.

Sylph of Mind: One who Invites Creation of Mind or one who Invites Creation through Mind

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines. 

A Sylph of Mind is one who encourages others to be more sensible and logical, to think things through just a bit more and don’t be so rash! Just wait and see every side of the situation before making a decision. They ALWAYS want to have a long discussion about everything before they make any kind of choice or decision or before anyone else makes a choice. They always want them to be very sure that this is indeed the right path to take. If you ask them why they do anything they will launch into a wordy explanation for why this and this was simply the most logical thing to do in this particular situation and how well they kept their cool throughout the whole ordeal.

They are great calming influences on highly emotionally charged situations. They are not only able to see things calmly and rationally while everyone freaks out, they are also able to calm people down from an emotional high by simply stating some hard facts about a situation and being all “don’t even worry, don’t panic about this illogical possibility because it’s not going happen, reason a b and c will see to it that it can’t.” The downside is sometimes they can fail to take the emotional side of things into account, forgetting that not everyone is as rational and good at keeping their cool as they are.

So some of the rational steps and plans they see as the most logical and necessary may seem cruel or harsh to others. They tend not to be good at handling emotionally situations that can’t be logic’d away, some people will be irrational and emotional no matter what they say. They see the best course of action for themselves and others as being indifferent or apathetic to emotional matters and may advise the more emotional members of the group to put a cork in it when they get too personal or impulsive. As Sylphs, they can also be pretty forceful on that front if they truly believe something is the best most logical course of action.

Sylph of Blood: One who Invites Creation of Blood or one who Invites Creation through Blood

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines.

A Sylph of Blood can definitely be a serious almost passionate type. They are committed to all the projects that they undertake and when they set out to help someone out they don’t stop until the problem or thing is fixed for sure. They can be somewhat annoying in this kind of meddlesome tendency because they will undoubtedly come back again and again to adjust something or move a thing there until they are sure that they are done. They are involved or involve themselves in the deep complicated commitments or relationships people have with other people, always wanting to help them out or bring them together again, make them stronger.

They are good at making promises or getting people to promise them certain things. Sylphs of Blood will hold you to your bargain should you choose to make it, and breaking it is about as wise as breaking a deal with the devil. They are definitely the person that keeps their friend group grounded and stable and together. Should friends try to drift away, they are the people to plan events or parties or group therapy sessions to bring them back together again. They take their bonds and commitments to people and things very seriously. They can be a center of stable unity in a place of chaos, almost never losing their cool unless they are dealing with something they are very passionate about!

 Blood’s inflexibility mixed with a Sylph’s nosiness and meddling nature can make for a very stubborn and nosy sort of friend indeed, but one who is only like that just to make sure we are all still friends yes? Of course we are! They might also make good healers or types that worry about a person’s physical health as well. Then they can also inspire passionate commitments in others as well, getting people involved together in various things and overall creating obligations for people to fill and promises that will be kept.

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