Jun Hargun

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Name: Jun Hargun

Species: Human

Race: Japanese

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Allegiance: Derse

Fetch Modus: Cloud Modus

The Cloud Fetch Modus lets you store items in a secondary captchalogue deck. When the secondary deck is full, you may use the primary deck, if the primary deck gets full it will eject the last item in the secondary deck. In order to access the secondary deck you must empty the primary deck first.

Strife Specibus: Whipkind

Weapon: Whip Scythe

A long, segmented whip with a curved blade at the end. You're not sure if it's a scythe or a whip, but does it matter if it kills the imps?

Game Entry Item: Orange Snake

Exile: Awake Dark

Title: Rogue of Space


Medium: Land Of Stars and Clouds

Symbol: Green Snake 

Guardian: Aunt

Ectosibling(s): Keenan Ryder

Other family:  Jin Hargun aka  Post- scratch-Beta Aunt

Home: Washington DC

Chumhandle: GrimspriteofDeath

Typing style: Standard. All caps when shouting/screaming.

Rogue — one who passively invites stealing of Space, or through Space.

Space — Creation, beginnings, creativity, physical properties of objects and transformation. 

As Rogues represent the best of their Aspect, a Rogue of Space would be an incredibly emotionally open person, and also really, really nice. They just would be. We don’t know why. As one who “invites the stealing of Space”, this player would be extremely creative, moving ideas between players in their party and helping them to build upon each other. 

This player would be in charge of frog-breeding during their session, an easy job, considering that they would be able to move the frogs around easily and create paradox clones very quickly. 

A Rogue of Space could “steal” the weight of an object, causing the object to become much lighter, or displace the weight of that object onto another, making that one much, much heavier. They would be able to swap the physical positions of objects, teleporting them and moving them to other places. 

On the battlefield, this player would mainly serve a support role. They could use their abilities to trip up enemies, swapping their weapons for other objects and stealing their physical boons for their side.

The inverse of a Rogue of Space would be the Knight of Time, or one who actively exploits or exploits through Time. 

Rogues steal their aspect from others and use it to aid their team. The Space aspect is everything and anything physical, including teleportation. The Rogue of Space will most likely redistribute matter and everything material of the opposing team, such as taking weapons from the opposing side and teleporting them to their own team or shrinking one thing to grow another.


Rogues need to learn control over their impulses and emotions as well as independence. Rogues tend to be clingy people completely controlled by what they feel and these Rogues will need to learn to change that and use their head. Space players have a problem with abstractness; they are either way up in the clouds where they can’t see reality or they are grounded without any imagination. They will need to find the balance between the two.

The Rogue of Space is a classpect worth your respect. These players have the ability to steal creations, creativity, matter, celestial beings, and literal space between objects and apply them to other things or people. They would be able to steal your inspiration or creative streak, for instance, a battle tactic, and place it within the mind of their teammate. Their ultimate attack would be the power to rip your atoms apart and disperse your matter throughout the cosmos, completely destroying your ability to be revived.

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