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Yugo: Did they send yet


  Yugo: wait. Who are you!?

      Makenna: I'm the narrator.

   Yugo: oh did they send yet!?

         Makenna: no!!! Now SHHHUTTT UPPPP.

    Yugo: ok (:

    Amalia: w ha t is going on!? Who are you!?

       Yugo: she's makenna.

     Eva: walks into room with coffee and nods at makenna* sup

   Makenna: morning.. *stares at yugo* I know your secret *whispers*

    Yugo: what did you say!?

   Makenna: nothing. Anyways call me Kenna.

     Yugo: ok "Kenna" how did you get in?

    Kenna: the window... I flew.

    Amalia: how!?

  Kenna: does no one notice I'm wearing a cape for a reason. Maybe because I have a pair of  huge wings on my back!?

   Amalia: ooooohhhh lemme see em.

   Kenna: no I hide them for a REASON. Anyways the dares or questions haven't came yet. Eva? Can you get me some coffee?

   Eva: sure

Amalia: how do you know her!?!?

  Eva: ow... I was the one that let her in through the window. We met at pub. She reminds me of yugo so I invited her.

     Amalia: YOU did WHAT!?

   Yugo: She... Reminds you of

   Eva: yea she is annoying. Just kidding.

  Kenna: I won't bother you too much. I have no where to stay soooooooooooo....... i will be doing questions and dares.

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now