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Makenna: we got one!!!!!!

Yugo: really!? *Runs to the computer but trips*

Tristipen: *pushes Makenna off the chair* Lemme see!

Makenna: *punches pinpin* Don't you ever touch me.

Pinpin: ok...

Makenna:anywho we got eight comments. One for each of us.

Amalia: yay. *I hope yugo gets a good dare*

Makenna: ok first is Amalia!! What's the worst nightmare you have ever had.

Amalia: *looks quickly at Yugo* what..... I have never...

Eva: you liar!! You always told me about your dreams when I was your guard. You have told more than one scary dream.

Amalia: ugh fine... Can yugo leave the room though?

Makenna: sure but you know we're gonna tell him.

Amalia: I know but at least I didn't tell him myself...

Yugo: *leaves the dare room confused* Why did she tell ME to go!? *Suddenly another Eliatrope appears* Whoa?? who are you!?

Random Eliatrope: I'm Zima!! *Waves with hat crooked*

Yugo: how did you get here?

Zima: I was apart of a dare.

Yugo: ohhhhhhh ok *smiles back*

Zima: what are you doing out here?

Yugo: Amalia is doing a question and she didn't want me in it...

Zima: ow...well that's okay :)

Yugo: I hope so...


Amalia: I'm just gonna get it out.... I dreamed that yugo had gone insane from the Eliacube and then k-killed me... *Starts to cry*. Yugo can come in now...

Eva: why didn't you tell me...

Amalia: because it scared me..

Makenna: Yugo!!!COME INNN!!!!

Yugo: I'm baaaa- *notices Amalia crying* what's wrong... *Runs over to her and hugs her*

Everyone else: awwwwwww

Yugo: Shut up. What did y'all do to her *he got up and stared down everyone with a deadly stare*

Makenna: calm down... She is alright...

Adamaï: such language yugo 0_0

Amalia: *laughs a bit which causes yugo to laugh*

Thanks Zima_the_eliatrope or ZimaInk

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now