Yugos Dare!!

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Zima: ok yugo!! It's your turn..

Makenna: yup.

Yugo: *walks into room nervously* what is it...

Makenna: ok I have one question for him from last time. then we will do the dare.

Yugo: ok then. Ask.

Makenna: have you ever had a crush on a dude?

Yugo: well yea.

Makenna: really!? Who was it!?

Yugo: you said one question...

Makenna: fineeee

Everyone else: *walks into the room*

Zima: ok...now for Yugos dare... Yugo! You have to show everyone what is under your hat.

Yugo: I can't...

Pinpin: well it's a dare sooooo....

Yugo: no I can't. Us Eliatropes can only show someone if we're in battle to save our kind...like my fight with quilby. OR *gets super quite* when you find THE one you will take off your hat to show you have nothing to hide...

Pinpin: oh

Yugo: I can only show you after I find The person I want to spend my life with. The things under my hat are a symbol of pureity and battle. Meaning when i show someone I am forever in their Debt. *Looks at Amalia and blushes*


Yugo: ...i-i

Pinpin: common buddy you can do it.

Yugo: but that...means I proposed to her...     *Goes up to zima and whispers something In her ear*

Zima: fine. You have to though.

Yugo: ok...

Zima: HEY EVERYONE. Let's go to the waterfall. It's another dare for everyone to go swimming there at night. Well.. Eva you don't have to. You stay here with the little kids.

Eva: ok. Can pinpin???

Zima: yea.. on second thought ruel and pinpin have to watch the kids.

Pinpin: I'm not going to argue with an Eliatrope...

Zima: GOOD. Oh and I'mma leave for now... Makenna mind to come portal jumping with me??

Makenna: sure..sure..

     Yugo: Ok so it's just me, Eva, A-Amalia, and Adamaï. I have to go real quick..

I don't care that Adamaï is skipped his dare he needs to be here for yugo...

Yugo: *teliports to Saddida throne room* *neels*

Oak Heart: Hello yugo! What are you doing here??

Yugo: I-I came here to talk.

Oak Heart: Is it about Amalia?

Yugo: Yes. It's nothing bad I swear.

Oak heart: okay. Continue...

Yugo: W-Well you know how we kinda have been dating?

Oak heart: yes.. I'm aware.


Oak heart: *looks suprised and then smiles* Having my daughter with one of the best warriors and king of another race would be ok... You have saved this place to many times...

Yugo: *starts to sweat*

Oak heart: Do you love her?

Yugo: I have loved her before I even talked to her...

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now