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MakennaMakenn: Hey guys! Amalia!!!
Zima!!! Eva!!!

Eva: whatcha need?

Makenna: were going to have a girls night out!! And so are the guys!!!

Pinpin: why?

Amalia: cuz we can!

Yugo: what are you even going to do?

Amalia: Ooooohhhh! We can go into town and shop!

Eva: then we can go get some food.

Zima: Yea!

Makenna: well at least we're doing something... (She hates to get all dressy)

Zima: We can also get dresses for Amalias wedding.

Pinpin: sure... Us guys will do some battles!

Ruel: I think I'mma go home.

Yugo: why?

Ruel: I'm old.

Adamaï: that leaves us three.

Yugo: Nope. Let's bring Chibi.

Adamaï: no cuz then I will have to watch him.

Yugo: he's sixteen. He can watch himself.

Adamaï: finnneeee. But i am not responsible for anything he does.

Yugo: okay!

Makenna: while we go our separate ways. We can do dares!

Zima: okay whatever...

Yugo: You can dare the girls night out or the boys night out!!

Pinpin: who ye talking to?

Yugo: the camera crew over there *points to the big bunch of people*

Camera crew: He... We're just gonna.. *Everyone runs*

Yes I'm still doing these dares... If your reading any of this please dare THE GIRLS or THE BOYS. It can be anything just not super weird...

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now