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Makenna: we got one!!!!

Yugo: really!?

Makenna: yup

Yugo: what's it say!?

Makenna: it's a question from ME does yugo realize how bad a dare  can get???

Yugo: what do you mean by bad?

Makenna: ever heard of spin the bottle?

Yugo: no I haven't...but I have spined a bottle when I was bored soooo does that count...

Makenna: you poor poor child...

Yugo: well what is it!?

Tristipen: what's what?

Makenna: he's asking about spin the bottle..*gets distracted*

Tristipen: ow that's easy I played it with Eva. It's to where you need a closet, bottle, and 2or more people. You spin the bottle and when it lands on someone you go into the closet and-

Makenna: *realizes that Tristipen is explaining it* ok that's enough!!! *Stares down yugo*

Yugo: what happens in the closet!?

Amalia: what closet?

Yugo: during spin the bottle!!

Amalia: *burst out laughing* umm. You do mare than kiss.

Yugo: what's more than kissing!? *Has confused look*

Amalia: *Snickers* you really don't know?

Eva: yea he doesn't but Makenna and Amalia how the heck do y'all know!?

Amalia: I have played it...duhhh

Makenna: internet

Eva: what's internet??

Makenna: my heaven.

Ruel: mine is kamas.

Adamaï: oh um yugo and I can't play that kind of dare for certain reasons.

Ruel: I know why. Cuz y'all are susssyyyyys

Adamaï: no not even yugo knows why. Grougaloragran told me.

Yugo: why!? I'm so confused...

Makenna: I know... Anywho it doesn't effect me even though I'm an eliatrope too. But I'm a girl and there's a difference.

Yugo: wait what!? Your an eliatrope too!? But where is your hat

Makenna: ...I um don't need one. I am a deformed eliatrope is what they called me. Is it why you wear the cape??

Makenna: *mouths out the word so no one can here her* yes

Pinpin: *trips and falls over camera*

All you can hear is "what was that doing the-" then the camera shut off.

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now