A dare???

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More Yamalio shipping

Makenna:We got a dare!!!!!

Amalia: who is it from.

Makenna: my little sister, moogie le Eliatrope (that's her nickname)

Yugo: you had a sister!?


Yugo:I want to meet her!

Makenna:you can't she's sleeping right now. I think.

Amalia: explain to me why I am not doing the same.

Pinpin: what's the dare?

Makenna:I dunno let me- *eyes go wide* we have to go into the Ball room and turn off all the lights. We have to stay in there for 6 hours. Eva and her children don't have to since she has to take care of her baby and tell us when our time is up.

Amalia: yay!! I did this with my brother when I was younger. We would get so scared but laughed about it later.

Yugo: yay... I get to be in the dark with Tristipen... *Sarcasm*

Pinpin: shut up... You know you love m-

Zima: I'm backkkkkkkkk..... Whatcha doing?

Yugo: other than trying to get my ears to work again, we are *explains everything makenna just said*

Zima: coolio!

Makenna: do you wanna play?

Zima: No Anna I'm sleeping.

Yugo: her names not Anna

Makenna: ....

Zima: I was just making fun of a movie called frozen.

Yugo: what's that? Amalias soul?

Amalia: hey!!! *Punches him in the shoulder*

Yugo: your adorable when you're angry.

Amalia: I'm also deadly.

Yugo: crap. I think I'm acting like a... A ... Teen....

Amalia: look he's my twin now.

Yugo: No....Just no..

Makenna: let's go do the dare!!!!!!

Zima: ye

Yugo: hehehe I got a cheat...

Makenna: No magic!

Yugo: that wasn't what I was going to do but ok.

Makenna: we have to separate into groups of 2.

Zima: I pick yugo!

Amalia: *growls*

Zima: I mean you go with him...

(Get it? Yugo and you go? I need help...)

Adamaï: I will pick Zima!!!

Yugo: *whispers in his ear* good luck she is not a dragon

Adamaï: but yet our parents are a dragon and an Eliatrope *winks*

Zima: hold it there... I am sorry Adamaï... You arent my...type.

Yugo: *starts laughing* you..almost...got....her...

Zima: that doesn't mean you are better than him!!!

Adamaï: *rolls on the ground laughing*

Makenna: ok it's Amalia and Yugo, Adamaï and Zima, ruel and iop brain, and I guess I will join Zimas group.

Yugo: *Snickers* your stuck with me!!!!!

Amalia: and?

Yugo: oh yeah... Nevermind

Amalia:cmon!! Let's find a spot before the lights go out!!

Yugo: okay. Let's go to the far left corner.

Amalia: okay!! *Grabs his hands*

Makenna: *smiles* zima look at Dem love birds!!!

Zima: *starts yelling aloud* AMALIA AND YUGO SITTIN IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!

Amalia: I will hurt you!!!! I say off with there heads!! *Starts laughing*

Yugo: *laughs with her*

Amalia: *kisses yugo on the cheek*


Adamaï: PDA

Yugo: what is that

Adamaï: public display of Affection or pandas dancing on Acorns.

Yugo: oh... *Kisses Amalia back* hahaha how about that!

Adamaï: *mumbles under breath* your a disgusting blue ferrit. 

Yugo: I heard that!!!!

Adamaï: I know!!!!

Makenna: ok...lights off in 3.2.1
*Turns off all lights*

Yugo: cmon let's go!

Amalia: ok *follows him*

Makenna: ooohooohhhhh

Zima: let's stalk em!

Makenna:oki doki!

Amalia: Not to be a bother but how do you always have the same hat even though you have torn it up several times??

Yugo: I ...don't know

Amalia: ok then...
*Stands there in awkward silence*

Yugo: ok... I know you might not let me but no one else will see it. so can I kiss you? *Blushes*

Amalia: sure.

Yugo: *kisses Amalia*

Makenna: * takes off cape to let her wings show light* CAUGHT YOU!!!!

Zima: 0_0 whoa... Yugo... No kissing.

Amalia: *blushes majorally* your not aloud to have light!!!!

Makenna: fine... We will leave you be...

Zima: yup see yea in 5 hours

Yugo: we have five hours of alone time *smirks*

Amalia: yea....

Makenna: let's go scare pinpin and give ruel a heart attack!!!

Zima: yea!!!!!!!

Yugo: *releases Amalia from his arms* I love hugging you...

Amalia: awwwwwww .
I loveee your kisses o.o

Yugo: awwww

Pinpin: *trips over yugo* ompf

Yugo: *his hat falls off*

Amalia: *sees blue wings before yugo puts his hat on again*

Amalia: what was that???

Yugo: the things under my hat....
*Kisses Amalia to get her to shut up*


Makenna: aaaaaaannnd lights on!

Zima: look at yugo!!!!!

Ruel: ummm.... Yugo... To much.

Yugo: *blushes and pulls away from Amalia* w-what... We just kissed.

Pinpin: for 5 hours...

Makenna: oki byyyyyyy y'all!

Camera: turns off.

Please more dares!!!!!

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now