Random Dares and questions!!

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Makenna: ok we have more dares and questions!! Whoa we're on furreeeee!

Yugo: ok...what is it *looks at computer and almost dies laughing*

Adamaï: what is it??


yugo: wait what's that last question??

Makenna: nothing...I don't think we need to do it...

Yugo: no. I'm fine I can handle it.

Makenna: ok we will read it first then.... EVERYONE COME INTO THE DARE ROOMMMMM !!!

Everyone: were hereeee.

Makenna: ok. First is for yugo. Yugo? What is your most embarrassing about you?

Yugo: *gulp* I didn't realize it would be that bad... Ok I'mma say it! I have the same thing Makenna does.

*Everyone's jaw drops*

Ruel: your a woman!?

Yugo: *face palms*

Amalia: no he has umm... Wings?

Yugo: yes can we continue?

Amalia: so you don't have yours on your back... Makenna said she was deformed...is it under your hat?.

Yugo: yes!! Now let's continue!!

Makenna: ok on to the next dare... Pinpin!!! You have to do a weird pose and let everyone take a picture!!

Everyone: pthhthyhfffff??? *Laughs way to hard*

Adamaï: *farts and smoke comes out...*

Amalia: so that's what would happen...

Pinpin: *jumps on table a starts shaking his butt*

Amalia: I died... *Takes a picture*
This is going EVERYWHERE.

Makenna: ok on to the next... Eva you have to kiss the person to your right.

Eva: *turns slowly and looks to see Ruel.*

Flopin: *gets between the two* here I am muma!!!

Eva: awwww *gives him a big kiss on his forehead*

Makenna: ok! Flopin and elely have to switch clothes...

Elely: *Burt's out laughing* good luck wearing a dress...

Flopin: ok whatever...

The two swap clothes*

Makenna: ok ruel... You have to *drum rule* lick the floor!!!

Ruel: ok. It's not like I haven't done it before!

Amalia:eww you nasty pig!

Ruel: licks floor. Nope no kamas.

Makenna: Zima!! You can come in!!!

Zima: *teliports in* Sup (:

Makenna: ok next da-

Zima: wait can I touch them!? *Stares at makenna*

Makenna: why not? *Lifts up cape so that only Zima can touch and see her wings*

Yumi: there so soffffttttt and bluuueee!

Makenna: Thanks :)
Anyways next dare!  Adamaï *laughs a bit* You have to act like whatever kind of animal the groups wants to choose.

Everyone: *bursts out laughing*

Pinpin: you have to act like a dung beetle

Makenna and Eva: iop brain

Yugo: I know his worse fear... He hates dogs!!

Amalia: what!?!? You don't like dogs!?!.

Adamaï: they always think I'm a chew toy... *Huff's out smoke*

Yugo: cmon you have to do it!!! Only next round though!!!

Pinpin: *pokes camera* what is this thing doing here again.

Elely: * runs at it with a bat* its the spies!!!

Camera: goes dark.

Thanks Zima

Wakfu QUESTIONS AND DARES [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now