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Is it just me or is this not Stan and Bill's song? ~Jae👑


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"Ugh, you got me all wet!" Stan squealed as we splashed each other with water.

We were fooling around by the Quarry when I fell in the water and splashed Stan.

"Suh-Sorry, Stan" I giggled.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes as he offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet.

"I brought extra shirts in case this happened" he informed me as he pulled crisp, clean shirts out of his backpack and handed one to me.

"Th-Thanks, Stan" I grinned, taking the shirt.

He blushed and turned to change his soaking wet shirt. I watched as he slowly slipped it off, beads of water dripping down his chest and droplets flying from his golden-brown curls. I watched him in awe, enticed by the view of his beautiful body.

He caught me staring and I quickly turned my head, but turned back and smirked. He blushed and silently returned the smile.

I could feel his eyes on me as I changed my own shirt. I slipped it off slowly and tossed it on the ground. He walked over to me then and picked up the shirt. He shook off the dirt particles then threw it in his bag.

"Suh-Sorry, Stan" I stuttered. "I kn-know you hate w-when things get d-dirty"

"Uhm...it's okay, Bill" he said, his cheeks burning brighter.

We stood there shirtless, droplets of water clinging to our bare chests and stomachs. I couldn't help myself. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the water.

"C'mon, Stan!" I giggled.

He squealed with joy and laughter as we splashed around in the water together.

"Doesn't the wuh-water feel s-s-so good?" I queried him.

"Yeah, thanks for taking me out here, Bill" he smiled.

I swam closer to him, close enough that our chests were touching and our faces were only inches apart. He didn't move, but I watched him gulp, his cheeks once again burning red.

"I have an idea" I whispered. "Let's play a game"

"O-Okay, like what?" he questioned.

"Who can hold their breath the longest?"

He smirked.

"I'll have you beat, Denbrough"

I grinned.

"Okay, on the count of three...one, two..."

And we both sunk into the water, our eyes closed. I opened mine to see Stan's shut tight, his lips pressed tight together and his golden curls clinging to his ears.

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