(Lime)Punk!Levi x Sarcastic!Sassy!Reader - The good, the bad, and the dirty.

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"See you guys tomorrow!" You smile at one of your best friends, Sasha. You turn around and bump into someone. "Are you fucking serious...?" You heard them mumble and you quickly respond, "Oh no, I like bumping into people on the daily for fun!" You cross your arms and glare a bit. The guy looks up at you with multiple piercings and tattoos. "Watch who you're talking to." He also crosses his arms and glares back. "Oh I am. And its not much to look at." You hear someone snicker behind him and you look up to see to see a much taller girl and boy behind him. "Sorry for him being rude. My name is Erwin, thats Hanji," he points to the girl with big glasses and messy hair with big brown eyes. "And this is Levi. He's a grumpy person." The midget you jus ran into scoffs and mutters an apology.

"So, why haven't I seen you guys around?" You look at Erwin and Hanji. "Oh, we're transfer students! But its OK, we have a few friends already. You know Petra right?" You nod, "Yeah she's pretty nice! She's in my friend group. Maybe we should all go out with each other during the weekend." You smile and she nods. "Here's my number and we'll see you around." She smiles as Erwin says his byes and they leave.

-3 months later-

"Levi let's go we're late for lunch!" You hustle Levi by shaking his arm. "I will take my time as I please. And don't touch my arm. That tattoo is fresh." You squint your eyes and squeeze his arm. He takes in a deep breath and pulls you against his locker with force and leans into your ear. "I swear to everything I will fuck you right here." You suck in tour breath. 'has he ever thought of me like that before? Why would he say that now?' but before you could respond with something smart he was gone. You shake your head and go in the bathroom to wash your face and clear your head. "Whatever he was already weird." you walk out the bathroom and go to lunch.

-a month later-

You lazy wrap yourself in your blanket to warm yourself with your shirt and shorts. You and your friends watch a movie like you guys normally do on Saturday's which always turn into sleepovers. You scroll through your phone as you wait for your friends to pick a movie on Netflix. You jump a bit as you feel a hand on your naked leg and glare at the person who touched you but soften your gaze as you realize its Levi. "What do you want midget?" You say returning back to your device opening up Snapchat. "I'm bored." He responds with a monotone voice staring at you intently. "Go fix that yourself or I'll put you on my snap." you show your phone to him and he narrows his eyes at you and snakes under the blanket putting both of his hands behind your knees and putting his crouch on yours. Your stare at him in bewilderment and you look up at him as he smirks triumphantly. "What? cat got your tongue?" You finally catch back your senses and rub against him and he visibly catches his breath.

Its your turn to smirk at him. "What? Cat got your tongue?" Levi narrows his eyes at you and snakes his hands up your sides, under your breasts and-

You jolt up while panting and look around. "Fuck. It was a dream." You sigh and lay back down on you're side and realize that Levi's body is right next to yours, sleeping. And you suddenly realize a cold breeze on your body and you look down at your bare chest and back at Levi. You smile confidently and lay back down. "It wasn't a dream".

Maybe you shouldn't drink as much as you usually do, on nights like these.

Levi x Reader (Smut & Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now