(Lime)Dancer!Enemy!Levi x Dancer!Reader - BS.

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"1st place of exquisite dance the championships goes to... (Y/N)!"

The crowd goes crazy. Fans, people looking for the show, parents, adults everyone. You were one of the best dancers in acrobatics dance you were pretty flexible and a "beautiful dancer" as they'd say. People adored you, America's sweetheart was your title and you carried it with glee, cause who wouldn't. You walk up with a bright smile and take the trophy as the crowd quiets down ready to hear what you have to say,

"This is cliché but thank you guys so much! It's great having the support and I'm just so glad that you guys have my back and I can't believe I'm here right now! Thank you again!" You go back to your spot and the crowd goes wild. The camera zoomes in on the show host, Sasha Braus.

"Thank you guys once again, and see you next year!" She smiles brightly and the shooting ends. You walk off stage into the crowd getting pictures with your fans and different people until you were called out to go and change to leave. Sad byes are heard as you leave as you give a love/pained look and part ways. As you go to your dressing room, you bump into America's other Heart Throb. Its crazy how well your names reached continents all the way from Germany and you felt very content with yourself until you bump into him.

"Ackerman." You say straightening up taller to appear taller although you're shorter than him.

"(Last name). You fumbled on your last spin." He said sizing you up as well.

"Of course you'd pay close attention, you are obsessed with me anyways." You say with a smirk. He just narrows at you and glares at you stronger.

"With someone as messy as you? No thank you." This didn't faze you. You only stepped aside and walked to your dressing room and stopped before opening the door and looked over at your shoulder to see Levi still standing there.

"We meet up sooner or later. I'm looking forward to it." You go in your dressing room and Levi walks away.


"Levi! Levi! How's it feel on dancing with one of your rivals?", "Levi how would you describe (Y/N)?", "What do you look forward to?"

The paparazzi swarms Levi with questions as he goes to his Mercedes and enters the passenger side and answers their question with one answer,

"We'll see how it goes." His car drives off and he sighs deeply while running his hand over his face.

"They're so fucking annoying I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up all the time." His cab driver chuckles at his stress. He arrives to the dance studio and grabs his things and checking with his cab driver the pick up time. He marches into the building as he hears paparazzi down the street and is completely unfazed by the noise as it is merely what he was used to. Good thing his body gaurds were gaurding the entrance. Once he reached the elevator inside, he takes off his sunglasses and clicks the elevator door button. As the door opens he steps in. He goes to click the floor number but is stopped at your voice.

"Wait don't close the doo-" he smirked evily and clicked the button anyways as the paparazzi take a picture of what went down. You raise your middle finger and run to the stairs. You're barely out if breath as you reach the floor and reach the studio before he even arrives. Levi walks in and deadpans at your presence.

"Ugh I thought I'd buy time for myself without you here." He growls you look at him at you as you stretch your arm with a smirk.

"ViVi you should know I played many sports when we were younger, remember?" He doesn't answer you as he sits and sulks stretching his legs in the corner. Your dance instructor Hanji Zoë walks in with a bright smile. "Hello love birds! Y'all just start stretching on your own and I'll be right back." She smiles as she goes out the door and leaves you and Levi alone. You put your legs together and bend over so you hands are touching your feet and your chest and stomach are touching your legs. You usually meditate for 10 seconds as it helps you relax your muscles. You hear Levi get up spread your legs a few inches apart. You snap up and go to punch him but his reflexes are faster.

"Relax I'm just going to help you stretch better." He husks into your ear and and you slightly shiver letting him do what he wants with your body. He's just helping you stretch anyways. Right? He takes your feet and brings your feet shoulder width apart and bends you over. You oddly feel the burn of muscles and you jolt your body to go up but Levi keeps his hand on your back pushing you down.

"Le-Levi!" You stutter as you were so use to be flexible, what the hell is happening now?

"Just wait brat. You were always impatient." he said bending his body over yours and trails his free hand up your thigh and traces your panty line. "You infuriate me and I love it." He says you just pant softly at the impending danger about to come. You were scared, not in a bad way. You didn't want to go down this road with him. Not like last time. You gasp lightly as he slips his into you underwear, and rubs your clit and you let out a small moan. He pinches it and brings his hand out your leggings and leaves your body desserted. You feel weak and collapse onto your side, your arm holding you up as tears swell in your eyes.

'he can't see me weak.'

You clench your fists angrily as he watches you from behind, tension thick in the air. You get up slowly and turn to him. "Play with me all you want, but I'm not falling for you like everyone else." Before he could respond Hanji barges in the door with a bright smile as before and clasps her hand together. "Let's get started!"

Throughout the whole dance routine, Levi left small touches and you did the same to throw him off. It worked as he didn't expect for you to retaliate.

"Alright, routine is done for today. Great job you guys. See you tomorrow! Don't forget to practice at home as well we want to get championships." She smiles as she gathers her stuff and leaves. You drink water as you lean on the rail bar and Levi wraps his arms around your waist. You roll your eyes and turn around, putting your foreheads together and putting your hands on other side of his face. "A quickie and that's it."

And with that, he kissed you passionately and you kissed back.

Levi x Reader (Smut & Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now