(S)Sub!Husband!Levi x Hotheaded!Dom!Wife!Reader - A little dysfunctional.

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"I promise I won't try anything tonight." You said. "It's going to be fun, we'll have fun." You said. Well what a fucking lie because you're officially off your hinges right now. People don't even know how you and Levi's marriage has survived this long.

"Fuck you!"

You yell as you throw your glass at Levi's head. Everyone slowly turns to look at Levi as he stares at you with wide eyes, after he had ducked your flying glass. You were pretty drunk- kind of drunk anyways, this seemed civil in your eyes.

"What the fuck (Y/N)? The hell was that for!" He said brushing the glass off his suit. Everyone turns their attention to you, a huffing puffing mess.

"Dinner with my parents, last night! Where the hell were you?!" You say taking off your heel and throw it at him, not giving him time to recover throwing your other heal at him.

"I had a fucking meeting, you know that!" He says throwing back your heals. You gasp and pick up your dress enough so could march over to him. It wasn't till then people interfered with the whole ordeal and held you back as you and Levi shout at each other. It wasn't the first time it's happened. You guys loved each other sure, but your arguments we're aggressive and dangerous, people always interfering to stop the fight before it starts.

Why were you angry at him again? Yesterday Levi was supposed to be at the dinner, came home very late. "i HaD a MeEtInG" my ass. Meetings don't take two hours. Waited so long, awkward sitting around the table. Your parents trying to catch up as much as they could, the same questions being asked only in different variations. When you decided that you guys would eat and finish, the man of the hour showed up. You were steaming. Of course you didn't show it, introducing again to your parents Levi. It was just awkward. They already met him but this was supposed to be like a get together, see how much your parents still approve of your marriage. You went to bed angry angry at Levi, him being the dumb-ass he is didn't even understand why you're angry? "TcH". In the morning, you were "fine". Like nothing happened last night. Levi shouldn't have taken the bait. 

Anyways, you had finally calmed down and was straightening up and putting on your heels. You were ready to leave this ball and distress. Why not have fun while you're here? You flipped Levi off and he rolled his eyes going to the bar and the music starts back up again. The rest of the ball went pretty well. You dancing away your stress and worries, chatting it up with other people and drinking. Around 1:30 a.m is when the ball was over and people parted their ways for the break. When you went outside, Levi was already waiting for you in the carriage. You hopped in across from him, expecting the ride home to be tiresome.

"Do you know how to fucking act?" He sassed at you, staring out the window. As the carriage starts in the direction of your home.

"Do you know how to fucking show up on time?" You say in the same sass he gave you, instead you look over at him.

"At least when I'm fucking late I know how to act." He says looking you in the eyes. You guys have a glare off.

"I wouldn't have to act out if you didn't think about yourself half of the fucking time and maybe your wife?! You know, the woman you married!" You say crossing your arms and sitting with one leg over the other, "lady like". Your body language dismissively blocking him off.

"How the fuck was I supposed to tell you?! The meeting was last minute for fucks sake!" He says leaning forward slightly gripping the seat. You do the same, dropping the closed off composure for more of a dominant pose.

"You can say, "hey I've got to go, I've got something important at home?" What do I have to do to at least consider me once in awhile? You could've at least dropped by and told me before hand." You say and sink back into your seat. You're actually hurt. Levi stirs, looking at your deflated form and rubs his temples.

"C'mere." He says patting his lap and you hesitantly get up and sit on his lap. You nuzzle his neck and you guys intertwine your fingers together and sit in silence for the rest of the ride home, except for the occasional conversation between you two. You cherished moments like this with him, calm and serene. It wasn't until you arrived home is when you guys stopped talking.

"You have arrived at your destination." Your driver says as he holds open the door for you with a smile. You smile as you untangle from Levi and step out ready to go inside, Levi following you in after paying your carriage driver. You took off your dress and heels, being left in your underwear and jewelry in your room. You stay at your vanity as you took off your accessories and makeup. Levi disrobes as well, only his boxers after. He flops onto his back with a heavy sigh. You looked at him through the mirror and stand up, walking to Levi's spot on the bed and straddling him.

You lean down and start kissing neck slowly, while Levi rests his hands on your hips. You bite and suckle on his soft spot, and he let's out a low groan. You smirk against his neck satisfied. You lean up to his ear.

"I'll make it up to you, yeah?" You say in his ear. You slowly slip off of Levi, getting between his legs on your knees looking up at him. Levi sits up on his elbows as he looks down at you tugging at his underwear to come off. He lifts his hips so you fully pull off his underwear, your hands immediately wrap around his shaft, pumping at a considerable rate for an apology. You looked up at him as pre-cum drips from his tip and you suck his tip. You lick up and down his length, lubricating him. You took his dick into your mouth, humming slightly so you wouldn't choke on his dick {LMAO}. You pulled off with a pop; getting up to position yourself on his hard length, sighing in ecstasy as you slid into his length. You swayed your hips a bit and grinned when you watched Levi relax into your touch.

You started bucking your hips softly into him, Levi loving it while you kept  Levi starts to sit up but you lightly push him back down.

"Let me do my wifely duties." {if you get that reference-} you say bucking your hips faster. Levi's grips on your hips tighten as he fiercely bucks his hips into yours as well. You tilt your head back as you let out loud moans as you and Levi fuck roughly, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly. You wrap your right hand around his neck lightly, squeezing from time to time.

Sweat rolled down your forehead as you start to feel your high coming up. You're light-headed from the experience you're feeling right now, you couldn't help but love moments like this. You switched your position, in backwards cowgirl you ass facing Levi. Levi growled as he felt you tighten around him once again. You wiggled your lips knowing how much he loved when you were tight around him. He gave your cheeks hard slaps and you cry out, slightly trembling as your about to hit your high. Few moments of rough friction between you two, you came onto his length, him pulling out and coming onto you. You panted and moved you sweaty hair from your forehead as you climbed off Levi with almost weak knees. You grabbed Levi's hand and guided him off the bed, dragging him to your shared bathroom with a sultry smile.

"Round two in the bathroom."

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