(S)Levi x Androphobia!Reader - Comfort zones.

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You always had this fear of men. Not that you were traumatized or anything, but they just give you anxiety. It was very hard for you to be around men at the Survey Corps, but you worked hard on not making it noticeable. The only males you were comfortable with were, Armin and Bertl. Levi a little bit more, but you couldn't exactly call him by his first name because of your different positions in the Corps. You shift uncomfortably in your seat at the mess hall as Jean showers you in compliments. If you didn't have your fear maybe you'd be flustered in a nice way, but you weren't. His comments weren't anything dehumanizing but still made you uncomfortable.

"Like what you did with your hair today, (Y/N)." He says with a smile and you just nod your head and shiver a bit, feeling vulnerable. You rub your arm, another gesture to show your discomfort but everyone thought you were cold. Jean thought this was the perfect timing to show how gentleman he is.

"Hey, have my jacket you seem cold." He says leaning into your personal space and you accidentally slap him against his cheek. Everyone stops and looks at the scene that just unfolded. You look at him hesitantly, scared of what he will do next.

"I-I, I am sorry! Y-you startled m-me..." You manage to force out and you stand up running out of the big doors and left the room to get some air. The doors creaked as you exited the building into the training grounds and into the forest. You stopped at a nearby rock and sat. It was warm but with cool winds that made you should shiver from time to time.

"You got a moment?" A monotone voice that sounded all to familiar sounded behind you and you jumped slightly. You don't turn, but freeze in your spot.

"Y-yeah... I-I meant yes corporal."

You hear the movement of leaves next you as Levi stands next you, only a few inches away from you. You shudder softly at how close he was, especially since it Corporal Levi Ackerman! Your heart is about to burst out of your chest. For the longest time, Levi was technically the only romantic interest you've ever had. After a few moments of quietness, Levi moves and sits next you. Your body is tense. You shudder at how your thoughts start to race through your head and you start to shiver once again. You flinch when he goes to grab your hand and pull you close. You whimper as you start to feel more anxiety than. You start pleading him to let you go.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), it's only me. I'm not going to do anything I promise just calm down." He says softly, dropping the rough voice he always uses. Your trembles begin to fade away as you slowly wrap your arms around Levi, desperately clinging on to him like your life depended on it. Levi doesn't make any comments other than the last words he spoke, and gave you time to recover from your last anxiety attack.

"Are you ready to go back?" He asks, waiting for your answer. You slowly agree with yourself and nod your head, ready to be back in bed. Levi picks you up like a fragile object and threads through the woods, making sure you didn't get hurt. You leaned your head against his chest and fell asleep. Levi realized you were asleep, and brought you to your dorm room. He made sure to be quiet as he laid you down, he was going to leave until you spoke to him in your sleeping state:

"Please, don't leave me." You said pleadingly. Levi stood frozen at your words. What will the outcome be of this? How would you react in the morning? He didn't want you thinking he did something to you while you were sleeping.

"Fuck it." He mutters and picks you up, bringing you to his own bedroom. It's not like you haven't been there before, only once when you and Sasha got caught stealing food and you guys had to clean his bedroom and office. It wasn't fun. He opened his office and walked hastily to his bedroom, opening the door and laying you on the bed. He took off your boots and left you on the bed, leaving you by yourself in the bedroom. Rather he finish his paperwork instead of sleeping.

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