(S)Trainer!Levi x Tall!Boxer!Runner!Reader - Training sessions.

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a/n: this shot will be taken in like 1980s- early 2000s for the throwback feel. and this was low-key rushed dont kill me! 😥

"Give more."

Levi commands as he watches down at you. You twist your face in exhaustion as you pant underneath Levi.

"I-I can't!" You tremble slightly raising yourself.

"One more you're close, (Y/N)." You pull up one more time and collapse on the floor sweaty and panting. You hear Levi click the stop watch.

"Good job. Newest record, we'll try again tomorrow for a better score. Now up, we gotta run laps." You groan as he steps off your back from being on it for your push ups. You rollover with a wheeze and cough a bit. Levi stares you unimpressed as he gets your water bottle and hands it to you. You were extremely hot because of the temperature and not to mention, extreme workout you had because of it. You sit up and rest against your elbows and down your water to hydrate your throat from how dry it was. You close the water and slowly get up, stretching to pop the uncomfortable joints and hopping a bit to get the blood flow through the body.

"Can't believe this shit is 'warm-up', why did I did decide this as my damn career?" Questioning yourself. Before you could even process Levi swept his foot under you, and making you fall on your back with a groan.

"Give me 20 sit ups in 10 seconds we'll head out for a 15 minute run." You start as soon as you heard the click of the watch.

"20... 19... 18..." Levi drones on as you bring your body up on your tenth sit up and try going at a faster pace.

"15... 14... 13..." You push harder at your 18 sit up and smile triumphantly as you finish your 20th sit-up before the time ran out, looking satisfied up at Levi. He holds out his hand to pull you up and you gladly take it, him pulling you up and getting your stuff ready for your run. You follow Levi as he guides you outside to the track. At least you'll feel accomplished since it's hot as fuck outside today and you'll burn more sweat. You reach your spot and get in your usual runners position until Levi gives you your go.

"Set," you bend your legs ready to take off, "Go." You dash off into the wind at your full speed wishing to finish this mile before nine minutes, your usual record. You run faster when listening to music but they don't allow that in competitions so you're practicing your normal speed. You hear Levi yell '4:39' when you made your way 3/4 of the track. Thoughts flood your head, like when can you get a shower,and or what are you going to eat after - before you even realized you had crossed the finish line and stopped running as you heard Levi yelling your name to stop. You stop and you put your arms ontop of your head and fold your hands behind your head, letting them rest from being in a bent position for so long. You stand in a conscious position to let as much air in and out as possible. You jog back to Levi and smile sheepishly and grab your water bottle, ready to go inside. Levi follows not long after and walks to where you're supposed spar.

'why, why, why, why, why did I sign up for this job?'

You quietly whine as you go to the buildings sparring rooms and you go to the opposite side of Levi. As always, Levi charged first with a backwards roundhouse and a quick punch which you blocked surprisingly, and kicked him on an opening spot on his side.


Training went on as usual and you double over on your knees in exhaustion and pant ready to take a shower, eat, and then go home.

"Good job, get ready to leave." You nod as you grab your towel from your bag and head to the showers. You strip off your clothes and grab your shampoo and conditioner as you step into the shower stall turning on hot water and you let out a sigh of relief at the water running on your body. No matter how hot, you couldn't bring yourself to start a shower with cold water. First the water is too hot, and after you cool it down. 'If that even makes sense' you smile at your thoughts and rinse yourself and grab your conditioner. Using your hands to rinse the sweat and to semi-tame your hair. You finish the rest of your hair routine and run your hand threw your hand, combing out the tangled pieces in your hair.

"Can I join?" You hear a familiar voice behind you and you smirk.

"I don't know, can you?" You say turning your head to look over your shoulder and back at the running water. Levi steps in and wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles your neck.

"Why are you so damn tall?" He mutters against your shoulder and you laugh and lean into his touch. He squeezes your bare hips and presses your ass onto his length and you shudder. He runs his right hand up your inner thigh and rubs your slick folds between your legs. His other hand going to rub your breast and you moan softly as he gives it a generous squeeze. You spread your legs for better access, Levi wasted no time to slip in two fingers in your heat. Levi pumps his fingers slowly stimulating you for what's coming next.

"Turn around." You turn around and Levi wraps your legs around his waist. You wrap your arms around his shoulder and you both lean in for a kiss. When you kissed Levi you felt so happy, the same feeling you felt now as you smile into the kiss and he slips a tongue in. You don't know if Levi feels the same way, you're sure of it cause - you let out a gasp and open your eyes as Levi slips his length in. Moaning into his mouth, he thrusts in slowly adjusting to your walls. It doesn't take time for Levi to start to pick up speed and presses your body on the wall to make it easier. You tilt your head back and moan as he attacks your neck and collarbones in kisses. Levi grunts as he softly bites your right breast and massages the other. Levi gives the same attention to both and you pull him in closer as your walls start to clench around him. You and Levi share another passionate kiss as you cup his face with your hands. Levi continues to pump as starts to reach his peak. You came first as you let out a pleasant sigh, Levi following after cumming inside you. You guys stay close with the water running over each other in a comfortable silence until Levi pulls away and looks into your eyes,

"Marry me."

Levi x Reader (Smut & Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now