(L) Gangster!Levi x Gangster!Reader - Be my good girl.

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a/n: this chapter will be in the same time period, just without the Titans. and this is a toxic relationship, proceed with caution. : )

Where to begin. You and Levi went way, way, way, way back. After you and Levi stumbled upon each other around the age of 11, you guys became friends. Not instantly because that's not even close to realistic.

Soon as you both grow older, your relationship did grow and so did your maturity around each other. You and Levi spent most your time together as he and you were basically parent-less, not to mention poor as well. One day when you were waiting for Levi, he came back with a red headed girl by the name of, Isabelle Magnolia, and a tall boy of Farlan Church. Just like you and Levi, you connected with the two new people.

As you guys always stayed with each other to keep each other safe and all that jazz Isabelle came up with a crazy idea about doing something big that'd get you guys money and not just food. You all thought she was crazy but, you guys went along with it anyways. You guys called yourselves "Blood Authority". You weren't too keen on the idea but you stayed with them because they were basically your family.

As you guys became popular, so did business. Just like Isabelle predicted, people started to respect you and you guys became wealthy. But popularity and wealth came with of course, whores and gold diggers. As you and Levi never really talked about your relationship, there was something about it that you both knew there was something there. Like every man had their urges, Levi fucked a ton of whores. Did this anger you? Yes the hell it did. Nights of sharing the same house as him and he just fucked them senseless it teared you apart. At first you let him be since his love for Petra had left him more scarred than he already since she passed, but time has passed and things change. Right?

You stand in the corner of the ballroom of the mansion that the main people of Blood Authority lived in and smiled at people as they greet and make conversations with you while you poor yourself multiple drinks to hopefully drink away the night. Just you're about to pour yourself another drink Eren Jaeger and Reiner Braus ask you for a dance. You feel burning eyes on you but you didn't need to turn knowing it was Levi and agree to dance with Eren first as he did ask to dance before Reiner. You made sure to dance extra close with Eren made sure to keep eye contact with Levi across the room as you rested your head on Eren's shoulder. As the song finishes you break eye contact with Levi and break apart from Eren giving him a warm smile and searching for Reiner.

It didn't take you long to find Reiner as he came up behind you and held you from behind. You smile in content and turn your head to smile at him and soon turn to look Levi but he's no where to be found. The party ends and you retreat to your room and ready yourself to bed with your usual routine and lay down grabbing your book. You're interrupted by someone opening your door: Levi.

"What do you need?" You say not feeling exposed through the red lingerie you normally wear to bed.

"Just came to chat with one of my best brats." He says leaning his bare upper body on your wooden door frame.

You look up at him with an eyebrow raised at his excuse. You had to shamelessly admit how attractive Levi is. Who wouldn't? His dark hair, complimented with his stormy grey eyes, and muscular build. You take in his sight as he stares at you as well. You sigh and go back to reading your book.

"Get on with it Levi." You mumble half annoyed at his presence, that made you quiver in anticipation.

"I don't like how you were playing tonight." He says with his arms crossed as he walks at the end of your king sized bed, giving you a hard stare.

"I don't understand what you're saying?" You feigned innocence as you flip the page.

"You know exactly what I mean."

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