Chapter 2 : Home At Last

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"Spark! Come here please! I need you to bring Sighwing!" Her voice echoed throughout the flat region in which they lived. Well, Scott, but not her . . .

"I thought you wanted to keep quiet." Scott was bewildered.

"They'll just think I'm nuts for a few days. Everyone knows that dragons aren't real." she winked.

"Behind you . . ." Scott trailed off. Kiara turned. There was a little red dragon on the rooftop.

"Hello, Kiara," Spark said. "You wanted me to bring Sighwing?"

"Yes," Kiara nodded. "Is there a safe spot where there are no prying eyes?"

"I think I know just the place." The dragon led them to a junkyard not far from the school. "No one ever comes in here." he said.

"Yuck." Scott surveyed the mess. "Good point." Spark let out a couple of sharp whistles, and sure enough, a big, blue scaled dragon with mighty wings settled himself among the garbage.

"Nice to see you again, Sighwing." Kiara patted his big wings.

"Thanks. Nice to see you, too. C'mon, we don't wanna lose much time. Climb on, and feel free to put your arms around my neck. Hey, who's this?" he asked, eyeing Scott.

"Oh, he's my best friend. Don't worry, he'll be fine." She got on, and helped Scott. "Okay, uh . . . Sighwing, could we use one of your wings as a staircase?"

"Sure." Scott ran up as quickly as possible, and then seated himself next to the dragon's neck. Spark got on as well.

"I can't fly all the time." he insisted when Kiara stared at him. "It's harder than you think."

"I know what it feels like." Kiara reminded him.

"Right." the dragon sighed. "Sighwing, ready for take-off."

"Here we go!" With a magnificent leap, they were in the air. Scott was paralyzed with fear. He clutched Sighwing's neck for dear life. Kiara was unaffected, however.

"Bonsai!" she cried as she jumped off.

"Ki!!" Scott yelled.

"Take it easy." She suddenly seemed to be floating beside him, her wings pumping so fast that they were a blur.

"Whew. I forgot. Sorry."

"Yeah. It takes getting used to." she smiled.

He nodded, and then said, "How did you get your wings?"

"How about I tell you the whole story? From top to bottom?"

"From top to bottom." Scott agreed.

"Okay. So, I had foster parents until I was thirteen years old because my real parents can only have fairies in our realm. This realm is a city in the clouds. It's cool. Anyway, after I was left on their doorstep, my dad—my real dad—sent Spark to look after me, to be my mentor. He kept hidden for all thirteen years with my foster parents, and on my birthday he showed himself to me, and before he took me to my real home he wrote a letter to my foster parents saying that I was a fairy, and that they could live normal lives again. They didn't really react, 'cause we stayed behind to see how they took it. I guess they knew I was going to be taken away at thirteen." Kiara let a few tears slide down her cheeks. She let herself down on the dragon's back.

"What's wrong?" Scott edged toward her, as his fear of heights was very big. He managed to get beside her.

"You wanted to know about my wings?" She changed the subject.

"Sure, I guess."

"They started growing from my back as soon as I flew off with Spark. It wasn't painful." She added when she saw Scott's troubled look.

"But why are you sad?" Scott looked concerned.

"It's just that ever since I was taken here I've felt like an orphan. I've known my foster parents since I was born and I've been homesick. And it feels like they've abandoned me, or I guess given me to strangers, since I've only known my dad for three years." she sighed unhappily.

"I wish I could help you. I really do."

But I haven't had to go through losing parents. He thought. Scott looked into Kiara's eyes. At that moment she seemed helpless against her emotions. He could understand why she felt lonely. They held each other's gaze for a minute, and then Kiara looked away shyly.

"Now, now. What's all the fuss about?" Spark cut in, "We're here!"

"Oh, great!" Kiara exclaimed. "Just wait until you see everything, Scott! It's going to be awesome!" Her eyes shone.

"Okay, people. We're landing." Sighwing circled around, and then slowed to a stop right by the gates of the city. Scott jumped down, and Kiara did the same. She went to the gates and took a gold key out of her jeans pocket. With a turn and a little 'click', the magnificent doors swung open.

"C'mon. I'll show you to my room, Scott." And with that said, Kiara and Scott made their way into the city.

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