Chapter 12

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Blinding light was all around her for a few seconds. Then it faded away to reveal beautiful scenery. Many a hill and mountain could be seen from where she was standing, with a clear blue sky to match it.

Breathing in the sweet air, she started walking. A sign was posted to her left. It read:

One day's walk to Yantell.

By horse: four hours.

Fair enough. It's only to be expected. She thought, not surprised.

Within a few minutes, she was off at a steady-paced walk. After about two hours of walking, she stopped. She went under a shady tree to rest.

Sighing deeply, she tried not to recall that she might not see Scott – ever again. Gulping to make the sudden lump in her throat disappear, she took deep breaths, counting to seven as she inhaled and exhaled.


Kiara jumped. What was that? She strained her ears to hear another sound. Anything was possible at a time like this. She might be getting stalked. With all the stories in the newspaper about kidnappers, you had to be careful.



Something fell at a heap at her feet.

She backed away slowly. "Maybe . . . oh, it's probably okay." she said nervously.

"I am not an 'it'!" came the indignant reply. The thing lifted itself up to stand on two feet.

Kiara gasped. The 'thing' was a girl!

"Gasp! What? You've never seen a girl before? Then what are you? An elf?!" The girl demanded crossly.

Kiara studied the girl closely. She had reddish brown hair and brown eyes, and wore a green skirt and a long-sleeved shirt. Her boots were as brown as the bark on a tree, and the skirt and shirt were all evergreen and moss greens.

Very pretty. thought Kiara.

"Why are you staring at me?" The girl said defensively.

"Oh, I just think you look . . . very pretty."

""You're buttering me up, aren't you?" The girl put her hands on her hips. Then she smiled. "But I like compliments." She stuck out her hand. "I'm Ivy. What's your name?"

"Kiara." She said as she shook Ivy's hand. "Nice to meet you, Ivy."

"The pleasure's all mine." the girl said happily.

Kiara raised her eyebrows. "Wow, you sure --"

"Change me mood fast, I know. I'm well known for my mood swings."

"I see." Kiara then noticed the necklace Ivy wore: it was a simple chain of leather with a leaf strung on it. From the leaf shone a green light.

"You're – you're the Earth Element Goddess!" Kiara cried.

"What? Oh, yeah. I've heard everything like that before. Don't kneel or kiss my hand, please. It makes me sick." The girls giggled.

"What's – that?" Ivy suddenly exclaimed, pointing at Kiara's ring that was strung around her neck. "It's – glowing!!"

"Yeah, I'm the Air Element Goddess." the girl explained.

"That's great!" Ivy exclaimed. "We can walk together all the way there!" She did a silly little jumping dance.

"Sure," she reassured the now hyper Ivy. "I'm with you all the way."

When the finally reached Yantell, they were exhausted. Ivy and Kiara were out of breath.

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