Chapter 7: Phone Call

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As they rode home, Kiara nodded off. Next thing she knew, Scott was shaking her gently.

"C'mon. Let's get to bed." he whispered, then yawned. He stepped out of the car. She sleepily followed him. They both went upstairs. Once she had smoothed out her bedroll, she climbed inside and immediately fell asleep.

When she woke up, she found that her head rested on his shoulder. Blushing, she got up and grabbed her clothes for the day. Then she went into the washroom, and, locking the door, got dressed. After that she went downstairs. Grabbing a granola bar, she realized something: Scott had slept over for three days now!

"Mum, he's slept over at our house for, like, three days now!"

Her mother didn't freak out. "Yes, I know. His mom came yesterday evening and dropped off extra clothes. Don't worry hon.

"Oh, okay. I got a bit panicky for a second." Kiara breathed a sigh of relief.

"After breakfast he's going home. His mum said that they had plans." Her daughter nodded. Suddenly Scott appeared at the bottom of the stairs, belongings in hand. He set the bags on the floor beside the door. Just in time. The doorbell chimed. Scott opened it. His mother stood there, waiting.

"C'mon, Scott." she chirped cheerfully, "Time to go!"

"Yep." He stepped into his shoes, then hoisted the bags over his shoulder. "Bye, Ki. Thanks for inviting me. He walked out the door.

"Welcome." His mum closed the door behind him.

She stared at the door. The rest of the day went like lightning – quickly. Shortly after supper, a delicious helping of spaghetti and meatballs, the phone rang. Kiara got there, but only in time to hear the message.

"Hi, this is Scott calling. Kiara, can you please meet me at Assiniboine Park this evening? I'm thinking the two of us could go camping. My mum said it was okay, don't worry. All you need is your mum's permission. Bring your p.j,s, sleeping bag and pillow. I've got the tent and the ground mattress. See you there!"

Message six. Eight eighteen p.m. End of messages. The answering machine stated, and then clicked off.

"Mum? Mum?"

"Upstairs." was the reply. She ran upstairs. Her mum sat on the bed, darning a sock.

"C-can I, well, I got Scott's message; ummm . . . he asked me if I wanted to go camping with him. Can I? Pretty please? And, yeah, I know it's a school night, but still . . ." She gave her mum the most pathetic look she muster, puppy dog eyes and all.

"I'll make you a deal," her mum said slowly. "You can go --"

"Yes!!!" she interrupted, pumping her fist in the air.

". . . As long as you wake up at seven, okay? To get dressed. I'll bring your pack and a lunch when I pick you two up. Then we'll go straight from there to school. Deal?"

"You bet. I gotta call him, just to make sure he brings his backpack." She rushed to the phone and dialed his number. "Hey, Scott, I'll come. Bring your backpack. Mum agreed to drive us from the Park to school, okay. It's Kiara. Bye!" She hoped that he would get the message.

She met him at the duck pond.

"Hi." He said shyly. He already set up the tent. She brought her bags into the tent and got her pillow, clothes, and sleeping bag organized. She then went out. He sat on a rock, his legs dangling over the edge, staring at the lake. The full moon shone across the peacefully calm surface. Kiara breathed in deeply, inhaling the sweet night air.

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