Chapter 5: Intruders!

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She woke up to the gentle chirping of the birds. Sitting up, the girl remembered the night before and smiled. She noticed Scott was sleeping peacefully.

"Thank you." she whispered, then got up and dressed, humming cheerfully. Kiara went outside. In their huge backyard, she swung her leg up toward her practice dummy, kicking it in the side and sending it flying. Smiling grimly, she went and filled it with more rocks and sand.

Heavy, She thought, just the way I like it.

Kiara got into the ready stance, and punched viciously, then, using a rising block as backup, drove her foot into the dummy's supposed stomach with a front kick. She jumped, tucking her legs, but then shot out with her fist, attacking the head of her enemy.

It's just a bag of stones and sand, She mused silently, but this is good. Okay, inside block! Kiara swung her elbow down to her side and brought her bent arm to her face, so her fist stood parallel from it.

"I think that's enough for today."

"Enough what?" Kiara jumped. She turned. Scott stood behind her, a puzzled look on his face.

"Nothing." she said quickly, avoiding his gaze.

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Really?" But he didn't bring it up again. They went to eat breakfast. After the two friends helped themselves to cinnamon buns and apples with orange juice, Kiara suggested they take a walk in the garden. I love the smells and the flowers are a rainbow of colors." She explained when Scott asked why. Soon she and Scott were strolling among fragrant blooms and trees.

"Aaah." She sniffed the air. "I love the smell of everything after a rainstorm. Especially the -- " Kiara stopped walking, listening intently.

"What? The what?"

"Shhh. Can't you hear it?"

His ears picked up the rustling of leaves.

"I think we're being watched." Kiara said quietly. Indeed they were. Before he could reply, a bandit shot out of the bush. His wild kick aiming for her head. She ducked, then flipped backwards. Her foot connected with his nose. Scott could hear the 'crack' as it broke. She landed facing the intruder, who was sprawled on the grass, face caked with blood. But that didn't stop him. With a yell, he jumped up and swung his fist toward her. Before Kiara knew it, she was lying on the grass.

"Lucky punch." she mumbled. "Hiya!" She quickly used a rising block to counter his attack. Then, Scott watched wide-eyed, as her leg shot through the air to crush his windpipe. He stumbled backwards, and then fell flat on his back. With a quick punch aimed for his stomach, Kiara sighed with relief. The attacker would never breathe again. She turned to her friend. He was shaken, his knees ready to give out from under him. Scott could only stare as she inspected the intruder's jacket. She groaned when she saw the emblem.

"Mark my words, that good for nothing Wildcat is going to hear from me."

"Wildcat? Who is he? And what does he want with you?" His voice was quavering with the fear of the sudden event.

"He's the leader of a gang of scoundrels who think they're better than the best. They want me to join their group. I said no, so they've been trying to prove their 'bravery' by hurting me." She quickly hid the body. She would deal with it later.

"Are you hurt?" Scott's voice had evened out again by the time she came back. He was over and done with the frightful occurrence. He came over.

"Oh, nothing. Just a bruise." Kiara assured him. He wasn't convinced.

"I don't think that's 'just a bruise', 'cuz I saw that guy swing. They're pretty tough, but I think you got 'em good. Maybe I could help?" Scott's expression was so hopeful that she had to laugh. "Hey!" he protested, "I mean it! I could help. And about you saying you're the best of the best . . ." His voice trailed off. "You're the Jaguar!"

"Yes, I am." Kiara said quietly.

"But I don't understand." Scott took her hands in his. "You know you can tell me anything. Why didn't you tell me? I can keep a secret, if that's what you mean."

She sighed. "I know. It's just that I didn't want you acting all servant-like around me. For example, if you said, "The Jaguar doesn't wish to speak to you right now." if I was talking to a friend, or always fetching stuff for me when I ask you to. You have the freedom to make your own choices." She took a deep breath and continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want you to like me for me, not just because I'm some fabled karate star."

He nodded, understanding. "I get it. I'd probably be like that, too, if I was a famous celebrity or something." Kiara smiled at him. He had always seemed to know what she was getting at.

I have a great friend. She thought happily. And he seems to like you a lot, actually. Kiara, c'mon, when are you going to be able to realize it? And you've been friends with him for how long? She looked at him. Scott was lost in thought. Try to think of a

time when he never liked you, when you were not friends. Her mind advised. She couldn't remember. They'd pretty much known each other since they were born. She smiled as a favorite memory clouded her thoughts with its intoxicating perfume. She remembered it distinctly: she was working on her Language Arts Spelling sheet in Ms. Allie's grade one class. Someone tapped her shoulder. She looked up from her homework. A little boy stood there. He had given her a card, looked around, and had gone back to his table. She had opened it, curious. In his once messy writing, he had scribbled the words: Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you. Scott

It had been Valentines Day, and she had put that special card on her bedside table before she had gone to sleep.

I guess you could've called me a goody-goody and teacher's pet. She thought.

"Kiiiara." Scott snapped his fingers in front of her face. Kiara blinked.


"I just asked would you want to be my partner for the . . . school dance?"

"Ummm . . ." Scott wished she would say yes. After all, they had been friends for years, and he was really starting to like her . . . He didn't know that pleading filled his eyes.

"Yes. Yes, I'll be your partner." she said at last. Scott could've jumped for joy.

"Thank you. It's tomorrow, you know. See you there!" He ran into the house. Kiara realized with a jolt of amazement that he had just asked her out on a date. A date. The words rang in her head over and over again.

A date, a date, a date . . . Suddenly very apprehensive, she went into the house and got her bedroll ready. When it was time for bed, Scott immediately hit the hay. But Kiara stayed up long into the night, trying to imagine the sequences of that day. That day where he would take her by the hand and dance with her.

What happens after that? Her heart cut in. Kiara bit back a mental retort and tried to go to sleep. But her heart wouldn't settle. It pestered her until she finally fell asleep.

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