Chapter 9: Look Out Below

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Minutes must have passed as Kiara puzzled over the devastating situation. Hesitantly, Scott put his arm on her shoulder. She got up and brushed herself off.

"Well, that was exciting." she muttered, shaking her head. "Well, I guess I'd better pack for this 'monthly' journey." she sighed. "Are you coming, Scott? Please!" She turned and shot him a pleading look. "I c-can't do this alone." Her voice stumbled on her unshed tears.

"Oh, don't you go all emotional on me." he said gently. "You know I'm coming with you."

"Thank you," she said quietly, "Thank you so much."

"So, tell you what?' her friend said casually, "You and I go to school regularly for the next . . . how about four weeks? And then after school, we'll search for some sort of portal that leads us below the Earth."

"Sounds good to me. Let's put Operation Investigation into action!" she said happily.

The next four weeks raced past them. Once, Kiara thought she saw a circular opening that looked like a portal of some sort, but it just turned out to be a tire that had rusted clean through.

A couple of days later they were looking all over a mountain. Kiara noticed something strange as she searched the massive place; a cloud of dust the size of a skyscraper waited beneath the mound of cliff where she stood. The force of its incredible winds whipped her hair into her face. Suddenly, a great gust of wind tugged at her legs, insisting that she come play. She struggled desperately to stand her ground, to refuse the stubborn breeze's offer, but in spite of herself found her feet moving closer than ever toward the edge.

Her feet gave out from under her; she yelled in surprise. Next thing the girls knew, her hands grasped the edge of the cliff.

Scott heard her cry; he was now rushing toward her.

As her toes searched for a foothold, her grip slackened. The rock that held her crumbled; she managed to grab a root that protruded from the earth as she fell. Flailing wildly, she yelled again, fear thick in her usually calm voice.

"Scott – I can't hold on – much longer!"

He was now leaning down to her. He held out his hand. There was no need for words. With all her strength, she released a hand from the root she clung to so tightly, waving it in the air as she attempted to grasp his waiting arm.

If I survive this, I'm never letting go of him again! she thought, paralyzed with panic.

She finally managed to get a hold of him. As she dangled from him, he called out to her:

"Other arm!" His voice, too, had the same shaky tone.

The girl flung her other arm up to meet his. Kiara succeeded. Her friend tried to haul her up, but his muscles strained from the effort.

"Ki --"

Her hands were slipping from his. Franticly she tightened her hold, but to no avail.

"Kiara – noooooooo!!!" Scott cried.

With a scream, she tumbled into the awaiting jaws of the treacherous void, into endless blackness that greedily swallowed her up.

"Oh – ah – ahhhh – oof!" she cried, landing belly-first on rough ground.

"Aaah! Ki – LOOK OUT!"

"Huh – hey – oh!" He tumbled on top of her.

"Gerrof!" She gasped.

He did as he was told, pulling her to her feet and shaking her by the shoulders firmly.

"Don't you ever, ever frighten me like that again!!" He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her so tight the girl could scarcely breathe. When he finally let her go, Kiara was limp.

She looked at him, leaning closer with every second. The girl's eyes were closed when their lips met. The two hung on to the kiss for several long moments before Kiara pulled away.

"I needed that," Scott said sheepishly, "I seriously thought you were --"

"Me? Dead?! Please!" She scoffed, cutting him off. "It takes more than that to hurt Kiara." As if to prove her point, she punched the air with closed fists, chanting, "Put 'em up, put 'em up!"

Scott laughed, but he saw through the act. "I know you're scared, Ki." he whispered.

He had hit her weak spot. Tears coursed down her cheeks as she sobbed helplessly into his shirt. The young man smiled weakly. He had guessed that she would cry.

When she had calmed down, Kiara noticed something move out of the shadows. Before she could react, the figure produced a bottle from his pocket and shoved it under her nose; she fainted instantly.

She opened her eyes sleepily. The blurred world around her snapped into focus.

She was in a very dark room with a table and a chair in one corner, and a desk in the other. On the desk stood an inkpot and quill pen, as well as many papers scattered on the smooth surface. There was also a very big throne-like chair against the wall where she knelt. It was draped in black cloth and sported a crown of thorny spirals on its left arm.

She noticed her friend lying against the wall beside her, presently unconscious. The girl nudged Scott as best she could; it was hard when her hands were bound. With that she glanced at her bindings; they were golden ropes, each having a snake's head at the end of it. She winced; snakes were not on her list of favorite animals. In fact, she loathed them.

Scott, having been aroused by his friend's bump, surveyed his surroundings, examining them thoroughly.

A man clad in a black robe strode into the room, accompanied by a servant wearing black rags. The girl watched them, curious.

"Majesty, majesty --" The servant was cut off.

"Enough! Show me the captives!" The man commanded. He walked up to his throne, setting the strange crown on his head. Taking a seat, he then ordered the servant to bring him to him.

He means us. Kiara realized. Before she had a chance to think, she and Scott were being dragged to kneel on the ground before the throne. The king, apparently, walked down the steps, looking over his prisoners. Then he noticed the girl. She was familiar, some how . . . He put a cold hand under her chin, lifting her face up to his. She resisted, but then at last gave in. It only took a look into those bright, hazel eyes to realize who she truly was.

"Release her!" The servant hurried to obey.

Kiara sat there in a daze, wondering what was going on. A hand pulled her to her feet.

"Granddaughter, my most sincere apologies. My helper does not know who he captures." The pathetic man cowered where he stood.

"Granddaughter?" She dusted herself off, and then looked the man straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry, your – your Majesty, but this must be some mistake. My friend here and I, we came through a tornado. "I'm not your granddaughter. I'm looking for Cenar --"

"I am that man," he replied coolly. "Come, I will release your friend and we will have some tea, where we can get things straight."

Scott, his hands now free of ropes, rubbed his wrists. He got up, and opened his mouth to say something, then closed it.

"Come, Kiara, my granddaughter. And you are?" he asked, giving Scott a quizzical look.

"Scott. The name's Scott."

"Yes, I knew that," Cenar said briskly, "Come, now. Let us relax in the tea room. I'll explain everything." He offered Kiara an arm, who accepted it. With Scott walking close behind, they made their way to the tea room.

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