Chapter 8: A Message

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When Kiara opened her eyes, she panicked. Where was she? Something bounced on her chest as she got up and walked toward the pond. Then she remembered vividly the night before. The thing, she now knew, was the ring. The ring Scott had given her.

She knelt by the pond and splashed her face with the cool water. She could still feel the touch of her hand against his face. Ahhh, what a night it had been . . . Then it came back to her – the kiss. She pressed her fingers to her lips, as if to make sure the kiss hadn't left. She fingered the ring around her neck as she gazed around. Birds sang in the trees, ducks plodded to and fro, and the light breeze played with her hair. She looked down at the grass, plucking the blades and fiddling with them.

"Mom's warning!" She glanced at her watch. Seven o'clock. Good. She headed back to the tent and grabbed her clothes pack. Then she went inside the tent, and zipping it closed, got dressed quickly. That done, she exited the tent and tugged a brush through her curls. Then she went back to sitting on a rock and staring at the pond. She sat there for a few minutes, replaying yesterday's events in her mind.

A hand rested itself on her shoulder. She whirled, and found herself staring straight into the eyes of Scott. He was already dressed; strange to say, she hadn't heard rustling.

"Hi. Have a good sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah. You?"

"Good. So . . . d'you think that you're ready for school?"

"Mmmhmm. Why?"

"Oh, they --"

"Who are they?" Kiara interrupted, frowning.

"Never mind."


He groaned. His friend sure had a knack for finding out things. "Later."

"You know I'll find out sooner or later."

"Yeah. You let your curiosity run wild. As wild as your imagination at times." He kissed her gently. She threw her arms around his neck, smiling. Sometimes he knew her too well.

"Well, okay. I'll tell you. You know how we have bullies at our school?"

She rolled her eyes, knowing what would come next. "We'll be in rumors, I know. Isn't everyone?" she let go of him.

"Yeah, good point. Oh, well. Who cares, anyway? It's not like we're completely helpless. They aren't really all that 'powerful'. It's so not their right.

"Yeah. 'Oh, look. Scott and Kiara are dating.' Big deal."

"Whoop de do." he agreed. She giggled.

They packed up their belongings and put down the tent. When everything was ready, a car pulled up.

Beep! Beep!

"C'mon, guys! Get in quickly!" her mum called. Once everything was put into the minivan, the two piled in. When they arrived at the school, Kiara and Scott grabbed their backpacks and lunches, heading toward the junior high doors. Once inside, the girl felt as if a million eyes were following her. She heard snickers as groups whispered, no doubt about them.

As she approached her locker, a blonde model sidled up to her. Her name was Kelly Baker, the biggest bully in junior high.

"So, I hear you guys are going out." She spoke calmly, as if asking Kiara how her day went, which would never happen. "Any romantic candlelight dinners, or, hmmm . . . moonshine strolls?" she smirked.

The girl looked Kelly straight in the eye. "That's for me to know and for you never to find out." she snapped. "It's none of your business." Without another word, she collected her books from her locker and walked into the classroom. She saw that the guys were pestering Scott as well.

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